Monday, April 30, 2012

Kill Your Cold/Flu Symptoms Naturally

Everyone around you is getting sick this cold season, and you can’t afford to get sick. How can you lower the duration of your cold/flu, and still be able to function without feeling like your head is going to explode? 
Here are a few tips I suggest using, that have helped me ward off sickness this season. Keep in mind, you may not be able to kill a cold completely, but when the first signs of a cold come on, you can strengthen your immune system, and be left with minor inconvenience during this chilly season. 
Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle
I know it sounds brutal, but if you are reluctant, dilute your apple cider vinegar in warm water. Two TBS to 1/2 cup warm, filtered water. If you use a straight vinegar solution as I do, this will speed up recovery. 
Apple Cider Vinegar will kill a sore throat quickly, and also contains antibacterial properties that offer immediate relief due to sore throat infections that cause pain and swelling, and neutralizes the infections. 
Rinse with water as often as needed. 
Garlic is nature’s antibiotic and antivirus medicine.  Crushed garlic cleans the blood, aids in inflammation, and boosts immunity. 
Green Tea (honey optional)
Why not green tea? We all know it’s ridiculously healthy for you. Loaded with antioxidants, flavanoids, aids in digestion, & has just the right amount of caffeine to keep you going without feeling wired. Adding raw honey will add extra nutritional benefits and comfort. 
Kombucha tea is my super food. It’s anti inflammatory properties aid in congestion & regulates digestion, fights free radicals, cleans blood and aids in headaches. Other than that there are MANY claimed benefits to drinking Kombucha, and I am a fan myself. 
Miso Soup 
Miso is a fermented soybean paste that tastes slightly salty and has a buttery texture. Miso & Seaweed combined means a jam packed nutritional soup that comforts, battles viruses, regulates good bacteria for great digestion, provides B vitamins, protein & helps you stay young by blasting free radicals out of your body. 
Neti Pot
A Neti Pot is a nasal irrigation system found in MANY health food stores. PLEASE do not use tap water because your tap water contains a lot of crap you don’t want in your nasal cavity. Use distilled/filtered water ONLY. There have been two cases of brain eating bacteria killing people from Neti Pot usage. Though this is rare, it’s best to be super safe with super clean water. 
Most neti pots come with a sodium solution and there are solution packets sold separately for a very low price. Do not make your own please, especially if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. 
Nasal Irrigation cleans the crap out of your nasal cavity. It’s kinda gross, but in a cool way. You’ll feel so much relief when all of that hard mucus and gross crap growing in your face is long gone, and you’ll be able to breath clearly and sooth congestion. 
Ok, I know this might be impossible if you have a demanding job, kids, responsibilities, LIFE. TRY to get some rest. Even if it’s a ten minute nap, rest as much as possible when you get the first symptoms of a cold. I’d rather take a day off than 3-5+ 
Your body is working hard to fight this cold/flu when it first begins. By not resting, you’re just weakening your immune system, which is why people feel like a train wreck the next day. 
Sleep sleep sleep!! Zzzzz (~,~) 
The obvious, but don’t go nuts and take a billion vitamins that you’ll most likely piss out. Take your B vitamins, Zinc and yes the overrated but scurvy fighting C. No, I’m not implying that scurvy is at a greater risk when you have a cold or flu, but I’d bet money you’d find somewhere online stating it… (which is why the internet is scary when you don’t feel well!)
Stay hydrated. You don’t have to be ridiculous and chug a gallon at a time, but keeping hydrated will help your body recover faster. You lose a lot of water when you’re sick.
In no way is this information intended to diagnose or cure any illness or disease, nor should it be completely replaced with needed medical attention. Please consult your child’s pediatrician before attempting these methods on them. 
Even though this information is holistic and all natural, it is best to consult your doctor, whether they are a modern physician or a master herbalist. Medicine in nature should be treated and respected the same as over the counter medicine. 
In my opinion it is MUCH safer, healthier and beneficial, it should still be respected and used with care. 
Stay Well! 

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