Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Boil an Egg & Make it Adorable

Hey everyone! I am a huge fan of all things cute, and bento is beyond cute!I wanted to share a few tips on not only boiling eggs properly, so they aren't over cooked (and dry), but also how you could make them look simply adorable!

I went to an awesome store at the Galleria Mall near Sacramento, called, Tokyo. It features everything from Anime merch, bento supplies, Korean & Japanese make up supplies (I'm a false lashes hoarder). It's so amazing! I will be coming here to stock up on awesome Japanese bento and cooking supplies, plus cosmetic supplies! ;) 
Ok, back to how to boil an egg (sooo interesting after talking about anime, make up and cute bento right?)

So when boiling an egg here are a few basic steps to follow. This way your egg is cooked properly, and it isn't a pain in the butt to take the shell off. I learned a few tips in catering class, since I had to make a billion deviled eggs! I promise there are WAY more where that came from! Plus topping each one with caviar and parsley, yes tedious. It's important to know these tips to save you hassle and time! 

 1. Poke a hole with a push pin at the slender part of an egg. This will cook the egg quicker, and make shelling much easier and cleaner. A push pin is the perfect length, and will prevent you from injuring yourself (do not use a safety pin like some major websites suggest) and it will not poke the membrane of the egg! Remember to use a clean, new push pin! 
2. Do not add cold eggs to boiling water. They will crack. Cold eggs, cold water.
3. Do not wait until eggs crack in boiling water. They are most likely over cooked (green yolk). Your eggs will have a rubbery consistency instead of a soft buttery one. They need no longer than 10 minutes (once they reach a boil) That all depends on your stove and pot you're using! 
4. Take shell off of egg in a large bowl/container of cool water. This will prevent tearing egg white if you peel them underwater. Prettier eggs are nicer! 

Ok, so now that we've cleared some things up! Let's move on to the fun stuff! This is super easy, nothing crazy, nothing intimidating. If you don't have a store that sells bento supplies near you, you could totally look online. Try trusted sources like Ebay, Amazon, etc. 

I purchased these little molds for $5.99 US dollars:
So cute right? I'm going to go back and buy the other ones they have! I had to behave though and not go nuts. 
It's really easy. Take your boiled egg, and place it in as seen here: Largest part of egg goes in the largest part of the mold. If egg whites pop out on the side, its ok. I totally looked this stuff online as well to make sure. I used Extra Large Eggs. I've heard Large ones work just as fine. I didn't have too much egg white popping out either at all with either mold. 

Wait 10 minutes (I waited 5. I was impatient and needed to see what was going on)

I added these to my hubby's lunch for work! lol ;D 
Have fun! Do you love bento? What are some of your favorite products, techniques???? I LOVE learning more about this sort of stuff! 


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