Saturday, April 14, 2012

Best Hangover Cure

Much information claims the way to cure a hangover is by drinking more alcohol. This is obviously not a good idea because your liver will have to process even more toxins. 
Burnt toast is also a false claim. Though many suggest the charred toast will fliter out toxins, this is a good idea, however, the charring on toast does not contain the same properties as activated charcoal does.
Greasy food is a practical joke. It will only make your stomach more upset, and possibly make you nauseated.

Coconut Water:  Loaded with electrolytes, it's much better for you than sports drinks because it doesn’t spike your insulin levels. Nor does it contain artificial ingredients and dyes. It is loaded with vitamins which will repair your exhausted body, much healthier than juice as well, because juice contains such a high amount of concentrated sugar, and will not dehydrate you further.

It is an anti-inflammatory, which will help get your digestion back on track. When you are hung over, and have that yucky tummy feeling, your tummy is temporarily inflamed. Coconut water is also rich in many vitamins such as A, B, C, & D, high in potassium, contains iron and is low in fat and sugar.

My favorite brand, is "Real Coconut Water" (with pulp). No, this is not an advert. I would advert for them though. It contains nothing but coconut water from Thailand, and doesn't have that freaky taste some commercial brands tend to have. I actually drink this stuff a few times a week.  You know you're bored as hell when you post random pics of your coconut water on Instagram. Sorry guys!

So, even though this isn't a drink recipe, I thought it to be appropriate to blog about. I'm not a heavy drinker. I love wine, and will get tipsy on my birthday. I get hung over easily. When I found out about this, I always drink coconut water after I'm done drinking alcohol, or during that time, and the next morning when I wake up. You should have seen my on the day after my birthday. I looked like a hot mess over cooked. I would have worn sunglasses in the dark. LOL! 

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