Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mango: Is it REALLY Safe for your Skin?

Hey Everyone!

As you know, I'm a lover of using yummy food to fight time and gravity when it comes to my face. I love to be well informed and know exactly why and how something is good for my skin. Research motivates me to share what I've learned with you. I don't believe in pumping out info that sounds good. I want to share knowledge with confidence.

I have a BUNCH of yummy mangos right now, and have been on a mango kick for the past month. Of course I want to make a mask out of something so wonderful because it's delicious and healthy, and it's most likely good for my face too, right?

Nope! There are cautions you must take and research that should be done before smothering your face with deliciousness. Just because it's natural and healthy to eat, doesn't mean it will be healthy for your skin OR effective at all.

I see so many blogs and videos on how wonderful mango masks are, but they have the potential of harming your skin. Here are some facts you may find interesting:

1. Mango butter is NOT puréed mango.
I am tired of so called experts blogging this to people. Mango butter is derived from the mango seed of the mango tree.

2. Mango peel contains urushiol, a compound that causes your skin to break out. Mango peel and sap are actually related to poison ivy and poison oak, which contain urushiol.

If you've had a reaction to poison ivy or oak, most likely you'll have an allergic reaction to mango if you're using the peel to scrub your face. This research has been documented. Also be careful when eating mango straight out of the skin. If you've had an allergic reaction to poison oak or ivy, please use caution!

3. Do NOT use the pit as an exfoliant. I've seen this done as well. It seems like a great idea. The pit has all of that left over juicy mango. Why not? Well, do you want to break out in a rash?

So what's the solution? It sounds like I'm giving mangos a bad rep. I'm not! I love mangos! I eat them all of the time, but I have to be responsible if I'm going to blab out super recipes. I want it to be known that just because I use yummy food on my skin, I'm not ignorant. I do my research.

My suggestion. Eat or drink your mango. THAT will be beneficial for your skin.

If you want to make a mask, and have and you swear by it, by all means, I can't argue with you.

I'd rather buy mango butter, which can be found in a health food store or purchased online for relatively cheap. THAT will make your skin feel and look amazing.

Using mango butter as your night cream is wonderful. It's inexpensive, and so concentrated, you don't need much. It reduces redness and acne due to its emollient properties and high oxidative capabilities. Leaves skin super soft, and contains natural UV protection.

So in this occasion, save your mangos for your smoothies, and invest in some amazing mango butter. It smells amazing as well. I'm not trying to sound like a neurotic person. Don't be afraid of they yummy, sweet, mango. Just make sure to do your research before making a mask out of super yummies on your skin. ;)

Take care!


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