Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Now Trending: Your Eats

The food industry is the same as the fashion world. We have trends and fads. We have things that come into style for the time being. 2010 it was bacon on dessert. Last year we entered the cake pop craze. One trend that has been continuing to make its mark is the cupcake trend. We are even watching shows dedicated to cupcakes.
Everywhere you go, people are opening up cupcake boutiques, left and right. I even heard that near my hometown there is now a cupcake shop. That is big news from where I come from. here in the city, I live near two cupcake boutiques. 
There are pros and cons about this trend, and for once I'm not talking about calories. I think it's amazing that So many people want to follow their dreams, but sometimes people think it's a good idea to jump on board when something seems to take off. People think "oh cupcakes are so pretty and EASY to make. I can make a killing doing this"...
Cupcakes, believe it or not, are an art form of their own. I have had my fair share of cupcakes. Everything from a simple, yet amazing cupcake, to an elaborate, creative, amazing cupcake to an elaborate, creative, NOT so amazing cupcake. It's a gamble. I know it's JUST a cupcake, but hey, this is JUST a blog, and we like to have fun, right?! 
Ever had a guacamole inspired cupcake with an avocado butter cream, a lime coulis (jelly) filled, topped with a thinly sliced, candied jalapeno? I made some when I first entered pastry class, and I was really inspired to make these. They took me 14 hours to perfect the recipe. Yes, when I have the time and inspiration, I wont stop until I'm content. 

I really do not like putting anyone's efforts down. I am going to leave the name of this establishment anonymous as far as it's location and name. My hubby, friend, kids and I thought it would be a super awesome treat to go buy an assortment of gourmet cupcakes, and all taste the different flavors for a fun time. I should have read reviews before entering this place. They have horrible reviews despite of their elaborate and elegant decor of their shop and cupcakes. I was so excited at first. Everything looked so perfect. 
Word of advice, If you're going into a cupcake boutique for the first time, ask for a sample of their top seller and least seller. Seriously, if I'm paying $3.00 or more for a freakin cupcake, it better be amazing. These, look so gorgeous. However, most were raw, all were BLAND.
 The butter cream was a novice butter cream. The same type you find on the back of confectioner's sugar. That is appropriate for home baking. That is appropriate if you are not charging money, and you are not a professional baker. This place failed at even making that "American butter cream". They frosting was greasy, it was melting, and some cupcakes separated by the time we got home and tried them. We were so pissed off at the money we blew. 
That was our fault. We got sucked into the hype of the super "gourmet" cupcake world. I felt like such an ass afterward. I was so excited, I took this picture of some of them in the car to show my friends and family on Facebook. I just LOVE cute cupcakes and yummy treats. 

So aside from unusual cupcakes, yummy cupcakes, and pretty but yucky cupcakes? What else have you noticed due to the cupcake trend? Here are a few things I picked up and tried out. Crazy!!!!!
Cupcake Wipes 

Ok, these looked pretty cool, and fun for any kid or kid at heart. They smell like the cake part of a cupcake. Pretty cool!
Cupcake Mints
These aren't minty. They are frosting flavored. They don't really give me that fresh clean feeling. I don't think frosting could do that unless it was a minty frosting... *shrugs*
Cupcake Toothpaste & Dental Floss
I was so reluctant to brush my teeth with cupcake frosting flavored toothpaste. It just psyched me out and I felt as if I were brushing my teeth with actual frosting. It tasted like a cupcake. It was really cool brushing and flossing with cupcakes! LOL! 
Cupcake Candles
I think these would be a great gift for someone who loves cupcakes and all things girly. Me personally, I'm a huge fan of Yankee candle and that sort. These smell yummy, but they look like the type of candle that is better left unlit! :) 
Cupcake Body Cream
This is the type of product I have been wanting to make. Such a cute container. It would be a perfect place to hide your... never mind! I'm kidding!!! 

Cupcake Face Mask 
Ok, so here is something I actually DO use, and am a huge fan of! LUSH Cosmetics' Cupcake Mask. It is kept in the fridge, and it soothes, cleanses and restores your tired face. OMG I love this stuff. It smells like yummy chocolate with a hint of mint. 

Vegan Cupcakes!!!!!!
Dark Chocolate Almond Cupcakes garnished with Red Hawaiian Salt
These were my first successful vegan cupcakes! I guess I was ahead of my time because another trend (salt with sweet) was added to these babies. Here is a really simple recipe for you guys to make at home. 
Perfect Egg Substitutes for vegan cupcakes:
1. Canned, pureed pumpkin. You can mildly taste the pumpkin. Goes great with chocolate cupcakes! 1/2 Cup - 1 Dozen 
2. Canned, pureed spinach. NO you cannot taste this at all! I promise! I have been adding it to my kids' cupcakes for years now. I even made brownies using canned spinach instead of eggs for my first class in culinary school. NOBODY believed me until a few of my friends tried for themselves, or watched me make them then tasted them! 1/2 Cup - 1 Dozen 
The best part of these two methods is you don't need oil either! 
3. Equal parts baking soda & apple cider vinegar. I know, a base + acid = H2O. The molecular structure in baking soda is not strong enough to convert into H2O when mixed with ACV, so it binds. This is the LAST step when making cupcakes. Add the two in last, watch them foam, fold in and BOOM! You're done!  2 TBS - 1 Dozen

For those of you who do not bake from scratch, and prefer the boxed stuff, there are a lot of good whole food boxed mixes out there w.o crazy wacky ingredients that we prob shouldn’t consume. 
I know it sounds weird, gross and crazy, but I promise you nobody will even know. I’ve shocked family, friends, schoolmates etc with this technique. It works as  a great binder, and super added nutrition! 
I know it is difficult for people to find a Whole Foods type store, and it can kinda be hard on the budget as well, but try to find a cake mix that is one, vegan, and two, containing ingredients that you understand. 
Either a from scratch vegan cake recipe or boxed works fine
1/2 can pureed canned spinach (do not strain all of the liquid!)
Follow directions as you would for your own cake recipe or boxed. Try to find a whole food type cake mix for those of you who do not bake from scratch (I know, it’s kinda hard and tedious at times) 
whole food cake mix is so much better for you than commercial cake mixes, which aren’t always vegan when they contain ingredients derived from animal fats (mono and triglycerides which are not only derived from animal fats, but are better known as BAD FATS)
1 cup Earth Balance Soy Pressed Buttery Spread
4 oz melted vegan chocolate chips
1 Tablespoon almond extract (use the good stuff guys. The cheap stuff contains high fructose corn syrup!)
1/2 cup powdered sugar (organic is best) 
Cream butter & powdered sugar, mix melted vegan chocolate chips and almond extract. Chill in the fridge and then pipe or spread onto cupcakes. 
Garnish with red salt. I know it sounds super crazy but use a teeeeny bit. Salt and sweet are great when balanced right. Just don’t go crazy. They aren’t sprinkles, but I promise you they will impress your guests, friends, or yourself! 



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