Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Create Your Own Destiny

Hey everyone!

I feel very inspired to post about my experiences with the Law of Attraction, and the realization that fate and luck have very little to do with pursuing your dreams. I've given myself the opportunity to make something out of myself. My dreams. Unfortunately I've had a lot of strained relationships with past friends because of this. I try to explain to these people, that this stuff can come easy if you believe it can, and live it.

I used to think, "Oh, it isn't meant to be. I wasn't born in a fabulous city, or from a rich family. I'll just rot here I guess unless a miracle happens." Well, that miracle didn't exactly happen as I had anticipated. I had to work at it, and came to the point where progression happens when you follow these key steps I'm about to share.

I don't have all of the answers, nor do I claim to.  I live each day and progress, and am a happy person. I wasn't always like that, but I'll tell you one thing is for sure, once you're happy, you grow tired of hearing the same story from your unhappy friends. I also grow tired of being accused of thinking I'm better than them because I don't have these big dramatic issues in my life anymore, or I'm apparently hiding them.

No, I'm actually content. I'm meeting my health, family, relationship, and financial goals. Here is how I do it:

1. I get inspired, and I jot it down.  I'm launching two different lines at the moment, both related to food, and have another huge project that is being conceptualized and drafted with my dear brother (we aren't related biologically, long story). Anytime I become inspired, I jot it in my phone, my note pad, my iPad, whatever I have near me, and later transfer it to the motherboard.

2. Visualize the final product and or goal. Can't do it yet? Okay, visualize what you have so far. Visualize yourself creating that masterpiece, or going to school for it. Whatever it is you want, create it in your mind.

3. Be Grateful. Change your Thinking. This doesn't mean be oblivious and pretend to be happy. This means, quit being stubborn. Who cares about who is right in an argument between your spouse. Is that going to give you a super reward? What about that jerk that cut you off on the expressway this morning? If you are that jerk, what long term gratification does it give you to be mean spirited to someone else? When my hubby and I start to get heated now, we both take a break and think about the things that make us happy about each other. TOUGH right? At first, yes it is. It will become second nature.

4. Live in the moment, not tunnel vision. We think about how we want to look, and how we want to live, and that's fine, but you have to love, and appreciate that which you have NOW. Your current situation is a result of your past. That's it. Quit complaining about how bad you have it. Trust me, people have it far worse than you. You are only stuck in your situation if you keep saying your stuck. Law of attraction. Keep saying your life sucks, that's what you're attracting.

5. Get your way like a princess, rule it like a queen. My brother gave me this advice. It's true. Handle your business gracefully. You don't need to waste energy in order to be appreciated. The universe will take you out of that situation. Like me. I gave the last restaurant 500% of my heart, time and work ethic. Nobody cared. Nobody appreciated how observant I was, or how I noticed that another cook's equipment wasn't regulating temperature properly. Guess what? I'm out of that place now. I left. Then I had an injury, and it took that injury for me to realize how good I have it, and channel my frustration into something great. I did. I'm doing it now.

6. Reflect. Every night, I think about, or text out on my notes 100 things I'm grateful for. I have heard so many people tell me "I can't find 100 things." Bullshit! You just take it for granted. Like your tv remote. If it goes missing, you realize how little you appreciated it. Iced water, creativity, your kids macaroni drawings, how funny slipping on a banana peel looks, or the smell of fresh peonies. SO much around us we take for granted. Enjoy doing this though. This is just my little thing. I do not have to struggle either to find stuff. My day influences my gratitude. Going out to dinner, you realize how freakin awesome tortillas are (they are pretty awesome).

7. Own it. I watched this documentary about a month ago, called The Secret. My hubby's boss/good friend recommended it to him. I can't believe how life changing it has been for us. Sincerely, it has. We've applied the principals to our lives though. Changing our ways of thinking. It's crazy. I am not blowing smoke up your asses. This isn't a quick fix, but it happens quickly. If you don't believe, hey, fine with me! It won't change my life! The way I see it is, what harm can it do if you could be happier, healthier, wealthier, and actually appreciate life, other than living in it mindlessly day in and day out?

Every day should be cherished like an adventure. Even if you are in routine at the moment. That doesn't mean you have to think as if you are in routine. Wear a different pair of pumps to the office, or buy your coffee from another place. Enjoy that new feeling. You will attract more of it. I swear it is true.

If you think "I want to have my own coffee house. I don't know how to start, or what to do."

No... just imagine having that coffee house. You'll come across the books, the info, the people, everything in order to make it happen. Things like that always happen and we hardly recognize it.

As logical of a person I am, I can't deny how there are some things, that just seem more than what we know. Just go for the ride. Let it work in your favor.

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