Friday, August 31, 2012

Sugar Waffles with Mascarpone and Marsala

Do you guys ever make waffles and they look a little pale? Leave them in too long and they burn, or your waffle iron is a communist and doesn't let you control your timing or temp? (okay ignore that).

Instead of buying specialty sugar for sugar waffles, called pearl sugar, which is broken down from refined sugar blocks, and is the left over sediments when sugar has been granulated, I have a solution to get a candied, sweet waffle.

Why can't I just add extra sugar? Pearl sugar is able to sustain higher temperatures, without burning. granulated sugar caramelizes too quickly in waffle irons, which results in the obvious. Problem is, pearl sugar isn't a practical ingredient in most homes. Solution granted!

Instant waffle mixes won't work with this method. They're mostly flour,& baking powder, then just add water or milk. There isn't enough fat to keep the waffle tender in the middle when you caramelize it. Make your batter from scratch. Belgian or regular is fine.

What's the difference between a Belgian waffle and a regular waffle? Belgian waffles are made with a yeast dough, while regular waffles, with a quick dough by using baking powder as a leavening. Belgian waffles knead in softened butter, while melted butter is tempered into egg yolks in a regular waffle recipe. Some argue that the size plays a huge part in the distinction, but it's really the technique. For the record, Belgian waffles did not originate in Belgium. 

Waffle Recipe: 

1 1/4 C All Purpose or Pastry Flour
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tbsp baking powder

3 egg yolks
1 1/8 C milk
1 stick of butter (melted)

3 egg whites
2 tbsp sugar

1. Sift dry ingredients together
2. In separate bowl, mix beaten egg yolks, milk, and butter
3. Combine liquid ingredients to dry ingredients
4. In separate bowl (do not use bowl where egg yolks were), whip egg whites until they form soft peaks. Add sugar until stiff peaks form.
5. Fold egg whites gently into the batter, a spatula full at a time. Do not stir, or egg whites will completely collapse!

Follow manufacture's instructions on your waffle iron. Once waffles are made, set aside to cool. We are going to sweeten them up!

1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Make a simple syrup using equal parts sugar and water.
3. Let reduce in half. Baste waffles with simple syrup, and dust with granulated sugar lightly.
4. Bake for 5 minutes each side. They should be slightly caramelized to a nice amber color.

Mascarpone Beurre Blanc & Marsala Syrup: This was my take on butter and syrup.

4 oz softened mascarpone cheese (at room temp)
1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1/2 C half and half (or equal parts of milk and heavy whipping cream)
lemon zest
freshly grated nutmeg
1/8 tsp kosher salt
2 oz butter & 1 oz flour kneaded together (French culinary technique and term called "Beurre manie`)
About 2 TBS lemon juice

1.In a saucepan, on medium heat, warm half & half
2.Gradually add confectioner's sugar.
3. Whisk until completely combined and dissolved
4. Add nutmeg, lemon zest, and salt
5. Have mascarpone in a bowl, and gradually pour in mixture, while gently stirring.
6. Place back into clean saucepan, on low heat, and gently whisk.
7. Add lemon juice (it wont curdle as people assume)
8. Kill heat, and add in beurre manie` and continue whisking.
9. Strain sauce for an extra velvety texture.

What is beurre manie`? Its a technique used to finish and thicken sauces. Flour is kneaded into softened butter, and when added to a sauce, will release and dissolve, resulting into a glossy, consistent sauce, without clumping.

Marsala Syrup:
2 oz Marsala wine
2 oz apple juice (the real stuff in the produce section)
2 tbps (1 oz)  sugar
Orange zest (optional)

1. In a saucepan, heat Marsala wine and cook out alcohol.
2. Add remaining ingredients, and reduce.
3. Strain & set aside

How I plated this, was by adding a bit of the Mascarpone beurre (bur) blanc sauce at the bottom of a pasta bowl, and using a chop stick, dotted in the syrup, then in a circular motion, made little waves. Marsala is pretty strong, so you don't need a lot in this recipe. When making what seems like a rich dish, everything in moderation, and everything balanced. This is why we add lemon juice to our sauce, to cut the richness out of it. Serve with fresh berries, stone fruits, green apples, or firm pears. Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I love Mexican food, and grew up eating it all of the time. Chilaquiles (chee la kee les) is a very simple, and popular dish. Great for not only lunch and dinner, but definitely breakfast too! It consists of cooking dried corn tortillas, salsa rojo, eggs, and anything else you'd like to add. It's sort of like a Mexican breakfast version of "Bubble and Squeek", or a kitchen sink dish. I wanted to clean it up a bit, adding the egg on top, and accompanying it with a Catalina bean puree, and homemade queso fresco rolled in cilantro. 

Add your own twist on it. At home, I add potatoes, beans, whatever it is I can find. sometimes cheese too! It doesn't have to be exactly like mine. I'm giving you my version of it, and my sauce recipe. Use what YOU like. Be creative. My recipes are guidelines for you to conduct your own creativity. Always remember that! 

I will have to save the queso fresco tutorial for another day, and will get around to it (very simple). For now, here is a recipe for chilaquiles: 

6 medium corn tortillas cut into strips (dried out over night)
salsa rojo (recipe below)
white onion
Kosher salt
Canola Oil
Fried egg (optional)

In a larger skillet, add a little oil, and cook diced onions until translucent, add tortilla strips, cook until slightly crispy (not like a chip) and finish with sauce. Adjust seasoning if needed. Set aside and let set up. The tortillas will absorb some of that amazing sauce. I use canola oil because it is neutral in flavor. Some prefer corn oil. Personally, I suggest canola! Corn oil tends to make dishes, especially corn dishes, taste heavy. If that makes any sense! 

Salsa Rojo:
6 Roma tomatoes (fresh)
3 cloves garlic 
Mexican oregano (to taste)
2 ancho chilies (soaked overnight)
1 Guajillo chile dried (soaked over night)
Kosher Salt to taste

For the salsa rojo, stew tomatoes, garlic until fork tender. Traditionally, stems, seeds, and all (no garlic husks) Blend in with soaked chiles, oregano, and lightly season. 
Strain, and in a saucepan on low heat, reduce. Adjust seasoning. Set aside. 

Catalina Bean Puree:
I prefer dried beans, they'll taste much better than canned, but use what you have, or what you'd like. If dried, soak over night. Change water, simmer for 3-4 hours per pound. Cool down. In a blender, puree beans, charred garlic (optional for Spanish influence), gently drizzle in olive oil to emulsify. Strain, reduce, adjust seasoning. You will be left with a very lovely, velvety puree. 

How to Properly Fry an Egg:
In order to avoid toasty eggs (if you like them toasty, go for it) use clarified butter. This is easy and necessary! Take a stick of butter, in a heat safe glass bowl, over a double boiler. Skim off milk solids. Strain if needed. You're left with the fat, which will increase your smoke point dramatically, which will prevent burning! Gently in a low heat, small non stick pan, add your egg. 

Remember, the fresher your egg, the less likely it will break when transferring, and the less likely the egg yolk will break when cracking open! 

Add with queso fresco gently rolled in minced cilantro (no stems guys) and of course, gently season your egg with a little Kosher salt. 

Pop open your egg, and mix with chilaquiles to make a lovely sauce. Yes, it is cooked, and safe. If you're uncomfortable with over easy eggs, by all means, cook to your preference! 


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Create Your Own Destiny

Hey everyone!

I feel very inspired to post about my experiences with the Law of Attraction, and the realization that fate and luck have very little to do with pursuing your dreams. I've given myself the opportunity to make something out of myself. My dreams. Unfortunately I've had a lot of strained relationships with past friends because of this. I try to explain to these people, that this stuff can come easy if you believe it can, and live it.

I used to think, "Oh, it isn't meant to be. I wasn't born in a fabulous city, or from a rich family. I'll just rot here I guess unless a miracle happens." Well, that miracle didn't exactly happen as I had anticipated. I had to work at it, and came to the point where progression happens when you follow these key steps I'm about to share.

I don't have all of the answers, nor do I claim to.  I live each day and progress, and am a happy person. I wasn't always like that, but I'll tell you one thing is for sure, once you're happy, you grow tired of hearing the same story from your unhappy friends. I also grow tired of being accused of thinking I'm better than them because I don't have these big dramatic issues in my life anymore, or I'm apparently hiding them.

No, I'm actually content. I'm meeting my health, family, relationship, and financial goals. Here is how I do it:

1. I get inspired, and I jot it down.  I'm launching two different lines at the moment, both related to food, and have another huge project that is being conceptualized and drafted with my dear brother (we aren't related biologically, long story). Anytime I become inspired, I jot it in my phone, my note pad, my iPad, whatever I have near me, and later transfer it to the motherboard.

2. Visualize the final product and or goal. Can't do it yet? Okay, visualize what you have so far. Visualize yourself creating that masterpiece, or going to school for it. Whatever it is you want, create it in your mind.

3. Be Grateful. Change your Thinking. This doesn't mean be oblivious and pretend to be happy. This means, quit being stubborn. Who cares about who is right in an argument between your spouse. Is that going to give you a super reward? What about that jerk that cut you off on the expressway this morning? If you are that jerk, what long term gratification does it give you to be mean spirited to someone else? When my hubby and I start to get heated now, we both take a break and think about the things that make us happy about each other. TOUGH right? At first, yes it is. It will become second nature.

4. Live in the moment, not tunnel vision. We think about how we want to look, and how we want to live, and that's fine, but you have to love, and appreciate that which you have NOW. Your current situation is a result of your past. That's it. Quit complaining about how bad you have it. Trust me, people have it far worse than you. You are only stuck in your situation if you keep saying your stuck. Law of attraction. Keep saying your life sucks, that's what you're attracting.

5. Get your way like a princess, rule it like a queen. My brother gave me this advice. It's true. Handle your business gracefully. You don't need to waste energy in order to be appreciated. The universe will take you out of that situation. Like me. I gave the last restaurant 500% of my heart, time and work ethic. Nobody cared. Nobody appreciated how observant I was, or how I noticed that another cook's equipment wasn't regulating temperature properly. Guess what? I'm out of that place now. I left. Then I had an injury, and it took that injury for me to realize how good I have it, and channel my frustration into something great. I did. I'm doing it now.

6. Reflect. Every night, I think about, or text out on my notes 100 things I'm grateful for. I have heard so many people tell me "I can't find 100 things." Bullshit! You just take it for granted. Like your tv remote. If it goes missing, you realize how little you appreciated it. Iced water, creativity, your kids macaroni drawings, how funny slipping on a banana peel looks, or the smell of fresh peonies. SO much around us we take for granted. Enjoy doing this though. This is just my little thing. I do not have to struggle either to find stuff. My day influences my gratitude. Going out to dinner, you realize how freakin awesome tortillas are (they are pretty awesome).

7. Own it. I watched this documentary about a month ago, called The Secret. My hubby's boss/good friend recommended it to him. I can't believe how life changing it has been for us. Sincerely, it has. We've applied the principals to our lives though. Changing our ways of thinking. It's crazy. I am not blowing smoke up your asses. This isn't a quick fix, but it happens quickly. If you don't believe, hey, fine with me! It won't change my life! The way I see it is, what harm can it do if you could be happier, healthier, wealthier, and actually appreciate life, other than living in it mindlessly day in and day out?

Every day should be cherished like an adventure. Even if you are in routine at the moment. That doesn't mean you have to think as if you are in routine. Wear a different pair of pumps to the office, or buy your coffee from another place. Enjoy that new feeling. You will attract more of it. I swear it is true.

If you think "I want to have my own coffee house. I don't know how to start, or what to do."

No... just imagine having that coffee house. You'll come across the books, the info, the people, everything in order to make it happen. Things like that always happen and we hardly recognize it.

As logical of a person I am, I can't deny how there are some things, that just seem more than what we know. Just go for the ride. Let it work in your favor.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Acne Scars - Eliminate Acne Scars By Following These Easy Steps

Eliminate Acne Scars By Following These Easy Steps

As if it isn’t bad sufficient to gain a problem with acne, every so often even its fading can gain bad feature possessions on your skin. If bad skin scars gain eternally troubled you, anxiety veto longer. Though in attendance is veto instant cure, in attendance are things you can prepare to reduce the look and staying power of acne scarring.

1. Prevent Future Outbreaks

The unsurpassed way to ensure with the purpose of you reduce bad skin scars, whether you’re a young person who’s truthful recovered from the most horrible of your teenager bad skin or an adult who recently veteran a breakout, is to prevent the formation of coming pimples. It seems obvious, but lacking bad skin in attendance can be no acne scars, so wash often, exfoliate, and custom a gentle moisturizer. If you need to, be concerned with troublesome areas with pimple remedy gel. A extreme hose down intake, regular implementation, and a diet with the purpose of emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables will too prepare much to get well both outbreaks and acne scars.

2. Don’t Pick Pimples

Sure, it is satisfying to stay in front of the mirror and watch a spot run from gigantic to much less important with truthful the concentration of a little force stuck between your fingertips. But popping a spot, alternative next to the pimple a long time ago you gain popped it, or alternative next to ones with the purpose of are remedial on their own are all excellent ways to create bad skin scars, not prevent them. Unless you’re washing, keep your hands away from your appearance – with the purpose of way you’ll get around totaling grease from your hands as well as the temptation to pick.

3. Try Home Remedies

Acne Scars Treatment
Over-the-counter medications aren’t your barely resort instead of preventing acne scars – you can too custom homeland remedies. Try, instead of occurrence, resistance cucumber slices greater than the affected areas, or deceitful down and insertion them in attendance instead of a interval of 10-15 minutes. A dab of lime juice, vinegar, tea tree oil, aloe vera, or vitamin E on the affected area can too really get well it. These remedies can not all design instead of you, but try them solitary next to a schedule and establish if several gain the effect you are looking instead of. If you prepare recover something with the purpose of factory instead of your acne scars, you’ll be glad you took the schedule to recover not in.

4. Stay Out of the Sun or Wear Sunscreen

Of way, staying not in of the sun is advisable anyway as one and all knows the dangers posed by the sun and skin cancer. But could you repeat that? You can not know is with the purpose of sun exposure can too dim or inflame the look of acne scars, rotating them from lighter to darker shades of red and purple and significantly lengthening their remedial schedule. To reduce these possessions, either wear a hat with the purpose of shades your full face, or custom a sunscreen or day after day moisturizer with the purpose of has next to slightest SPF 25 in it. SPF 50 is even better.

5. Head to the Drugstore

Once you’ve attempted remedial your acne scars the natural way, through civilizing your lifestyle and using homeland remedies, it’s schedule to reassess. If nothing is episode, or the results aren’t as excellent as you’d hoped they would be, at that moment check not in what’s on offer next to the adjacent drugstore. Acne scar subtraction cream can help, while hydroquinone and other bleaching medications will reduce the darker color of scars. And don’t put out of your mind to check not in pimple treatment gels and cleansers with the purpose of can prevent pimples in the foremost place.

6. Seek Professional Help

If you’re fresh not in of ideas, it’s schedule to enroll your doctor or dermatologist. The after that steps concern mild element peels – though this can require several sessions – as well as laser treatments. There are even sitting room with the purpose of focus in acne scar removal, so if your scarring proves to be a tough customer, you can each time ask your doctor to refer you to someone who specializes in with the purpose of. But before you prepare with the purpose of, knock together certain to ask a propos several natural or drugstore remedies you can gain missed: It might save you schedule, money, and heartache.

Before you’ve tried all of these steps, there’s no reason to grasp too bent not in of appearance a propos acne scarring. Sure, it can be tough to face the mirror what time you don’t like could you repeat that? You establish, but as an alternative of feeling moving a propos it, take charge. Examine your lifestyle, design on willpower, try out with home remedies and over-the-counter solutions, and discourse to your doctor if you need to. Just don’t devote up.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tzatziki is easy! Don't miss this step!

Hey everyone! I love tzatziki. It's really simple, refreshing, and DUH, healthy. I have a quick recipe for you guys, and you can finish with any fresh, bright herb as you choose, to personalize it. I cut my cucumber into a small dice. This is personal preference. It makes for an easier to handle dip or spread in my opinion. Do what YOU like!

I was inspired to share this recipe do to seeing how many people forget this important step when sharing their recipe for tzatziki...
They forget to draw out moisture from the cucumber!

If you let your yummy tzatziki relax in the fridge, it will water down. Plus, the light amount of salt will season the cucumbers themselves. Remember, season lightly in layers. It takes about half an hour.

That extra moisture will cause separation, and dilute flavor! Here is a super simple recipe!
1 English Cucumber
1/4 Cup Greek Yogurt
Lemon Juice
Koesher or sea salt
White (or black) pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (just a drizzle)
Fresh, bright, minced herbs mint, cilantro, or parsley... etc etc etc

Friday, August 17, 2012

Green Tea Bag Skin Benefits

I've previously blogged about the scientifically defended benefits of green tea here, on how they can reduce dark circles, and aid in congestion. I had to make another post as to how and why green tea is so amazing for your skin. 

 Green tea happens to be something I'm really passionate about. I learned early on that they soggy little tea bag in my cup, or tossed to the side was natures remedy to healthy skin. A natural and convenient exfoliant that costs a fraction of any scrub in a tube. (Nothing wrong with scrubs in a tube). I use this routinely for my face, and have been for the past 10 years. 

After you drink your green tea, remember that precious tea bag of yours does the following when used to exfoliate and sooth your skin:

1.Neutralizes UV ray damage and protects from sun damage
2.Works as an antibacterial agent keeping pores clean and protected from acne 
3.Halts free radicals and protects from certain skin cancers and aging 
4.Rejuvenate skin cells at the end of their life cycle
5.Soothes acne and sun burns, reduces redness and inflammation. (congestion, dark circles often caused by inflamed blood vessels.)
6.Some studies suggest it to stimulate collagen production. 

I have also used it for cracked lips in the winter time, kind of as a primer, for lack of a better term. Why not use it? If you drink green tea, and don't have any make up on, what would it hurt to quickly exfoliate your skin with a tea bag you're going to throw away? 

Another trick for sunburned or irritated skin:

Have you ever tried a beauty product that didn't react to your skin gracefully? I've totally had my fair share of harsh reactions. Take a few green tea bags, and place them in a zippy bag, and pop them into your freezer. If your skin is sun burnt, or irritated, take a tea bag out, quickly dampen with cold water, and gently pat on your face. Avoid circular motion now, since your skin needs a little break from anything even slightly abrasive! 

I hope these tips work for you like they have for me! 


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is one of the causes of acne that tend to happen very often to teenagers because they are going through their adolescence period. This type of acne is caused by the hormones in your body, these hormones tell your body to produce different materials all over your body to get hormonal acne. Here in this article we will take a look at all the different ways that hormonal acne can affect you and how to deal with this kind of pimple.

How does this appear?

Hormonal acne occurs as soon as your body is leading introduced to hormones, which is around the ages of 12-15 designed for a large amount girls and 14-18 designed for guys, in this period you are still very inexperienced to dealing with hormones and cannot control them very well. When this occurs your body produces a quantity of oils with the intention of are secreted from various proteins along your skin. The oils with the intention of dig up secreted are here to watch over your skin, be it smooth and be it shiny(oily) as well. During this process with no proper control of your hormones you manufacture too much oil and these oils clog your pores. This will in that case presently develop into the hormonal acne with the intention of many natives dread so much more or less.

Dealing with Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne are due to your hormones and their are not really no matter which with the intention of you can fix in the leading steps linking to your hormones. However your hormones produces oils with the intention of are all terminated your boyd but especially on your skin, you are able to remove the smear with oil on your confront to combat and fight hormonal acne. This is the single way with the intention of you were able to fix this.

Ways to Remove Acne

1. To remove hormonal acne one of the first things that you should do as mentioned above is to remove some of the excess oil that is going to be produces on your face. This kind of acne treatment can be easily done with using a simple ingredient that most people have in their homes, honey. Although honey seems too far fetched to seem like anything that will do anything to your skin it has ingredients in it that help clean your skin and remove any extra oil that may come from your pores.

When using honey on your skin make sure that you cover all areas on your skin that might be subseptible to hormonal acne. This way you make sure that you clean out all of your pores and crevices on your skin

2. Running or particular sort of interest with the intention of will reduce stress by the side of every period or place. Stress causes a tall burden on your hormones and will added your production of smear with oil on your skin, drill is a inordinate way to cut this stress and even perhaps remove all of this. This will in that case trigger your hormones to not manufacture as much smear with oil on your skin and you having a easier period with hormonal acne.

Hormonal acne is not something with the intention of cam be fixed inside a little days and their are not much more you can fix beyound the two ways with the intention of are listed over. Try and keep your acne pimples in check and start you treatment designed for them fine away if you notice every slight bump on your facial skin.

Acne Scars Treatment - Effective ways to remove acne scars

Effective ways to remove acne scars

Basically, acne is a skin inflammation that transcends all races, culture, and gender. Well, this is actually a pompous way to start an article about a skin disease but what this article is just trying to say is acne sucks.

Though acne may attack people regardless of age, it is more predominant during teenage years. In fact, 80% of teenagers and pre-teenagers suffer from acne outbreaks. Scientifically known as acne vulgaris, this skin condition may appear on various parts of the body such as the chest, neck, back, and most commonly, the facial area. The worst thing about having to deal with this skin disorder is its aftermath. Acne scars are an ugly reminder that your skin had once been a wonderland of an infectious skin disorder.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne Scars TreatmentPrevention is at all times the top make well. It as well goes with acne. To combat its onslaught, you need to be more familiar with it leading. There are various factors with the intention of trigger the formation of acne. Contact with assured chemicals a large amount particularly persons with the intention of are greasy in nature can cause the formation of acne. Examples of these substances are vegetable smear with oil, gasoline, and limestone smear with oil.

Aside from these greasy substances, acne can as well be triggered with the intake of assured drugs or medications such as steroids. The a large amount conventional or standard feature with the intention of may possibly trigger the onslaught of acne on your skin is androgen discharge. Though the discharge of this specific hormone is normally a part of the puberty stage, it can however be aggravated by the consumption of dairy products such as milk and butter. If you fix not choose to take part in persons horrifying acne scars, better keep these things in mind.

Into order to prevent acne scars, single of the a large amount principal things with the intention of you must keep inintoibags everywhereospotseeze or pbe predisposedyour acne. Doing so may possibly not merely be in charge of to infection bwith the intention ofs well the extension acne scars.

To measuresnt acne scars well you can try various homeopadesigned forcspotsherbal treatments with the intention of are very in force in as soon asenting the range of this skin condition.Dig upoliberate here are many viable products with the intention of are untakenres on the promotepots the present day, a large amount of them are be in charge ofical-based.

What muchpropertythe cards,consequenceersonsas wellh the intention of are made from naintorpiece of evidencengredients. Hespots designed for example part inn no wayn brilliantly in preventing the devemore or lessnt of unsightly acspotscars on varioboundlessarts of your face and body.

Alternative Means to Treat Acne Craters

In cases where acne craters tend to look exceptionally bad, there are other options that you can choose. Aside from natural means, you can also try alternative treatments for acne scars such as surgery. Acne surgery is used when blemishes need to be opened in order to get rid of whiteheads and blackheads. Compared to other means of treating acne craters, surgery can lead to more immediate effects. The result is also very impressive. In fact, it is as if acne scars have never appeared on your skin. To know more about how to deal with acne scars, feel free to consult a dermatologist.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to be a Progressive Blogger

Hey Everyone!

Since I started blogging, I've had so many fun opportunities. Its rewarding that my passion and hard work are taking notice. I've had a few interviews, advertorial offers, blog & website features, a small magazine article that will be out next year, and am in the process of building my own enterprise. I had to learn how to come out of my shell though, and be proud. Instead of embarrassed of what others may think. I knew it would happen by believing in myself. I was afraid to admit that.

 I've had a few people recently ask me what my "secret" is. Here are a few tips I can think of as to what I do in order to put out my best effort. If you think I'm going to give you some magical advice and get popular/rich quick tactics and poorly strategized bullshit, stop reading. I work my fuckin ass off because I'm driven by my love of what I do, which is cook and obsess over my skin.

This is about progression, not instant results.

1. Educate. I do not create with the intention to impress you. I am expressing my creativity, and teaching that which I know, how & why. If you are passionate, you're going to want to learn before you teach, and learn as you're teaching. I'm a culinary graduate, have experience in the industry, but I study EVERY day. I learn from books, the little Mexican lady in the bakery, home cooks, international storefront owners, estheticians, make up gurus, my family, and the professionals. If you post pictures, learn how to take them. I had an amazing food styling experience, and learned SO much about photography. It inspired me to continue learning about it. I taught myself basic & intermediate HTML in order to bring my blog to life.  Knowledge is every beat of life. You learn what to do, and what to avoid.

2. Spam. I don't have to push myself out there. A tweet or a Facebook post is fine, but I don't find it tasteful nor tactful to push my content on anyone else to read. Desperation is offsetting, and in my opinion, shows a lack of confidence. If your doing an advert or an advert for a contest, totally understandable and appropriate if it's tasteful & minimal.

3. Write for yourself. I don't feel pressured to pump out material. Consistency is important to an extent. If your mind and brain are on the same wavelength, creativity will come naturally. No need to panic because you didn't post anything today. Sharing your personal life in order to try to connect with your audience wont work if you don't mean it. Using it as a tactic to get more hits or likes wont get you far. Don't think about that shit.  Do it because it's something you feel like doing.

4. Confidence. Don't worry about what other people think. Especially people you know in person. They can be the most critical, and plant self doubt, not the trollers. They will be the ones who say "Oh, look they think they're all bad now." Who cares! Stale and Hallmark as it sounds, your true loved ones will support you with a whole heart. The sour lemons need to be out of your mind. This was something I had to learn the hard way. I'm no longer afraid to say "HEY WORLD!" I'm happier now!  Why let other people's rude energy dilute your self esteem?

5. Connect. Connect with other bloggers, with the INTENT OF APPRECIATING THEIR WORK. I have had to delete quite a few comments from people spamming. "This looks delicious. Look at MY BLOG for recipes too!"  I engage with readers or anyone who asks me questions on Twitter. I do it because I am giving out info, and want others to learn. That one little tidbit of info changes your life.  If you can do that for others, there is a sense of satisfaction. Remember, you aren't in competition with other bloggers. If you are, you should sign off. Sorry! Be in competition with your past self, not the super blogger you wish to become. Connect with genuine intent.

6. Be a backseat money driver. Money will come in due time, but should NOT be your primary focus.  Do adverts that you truly support, and have fun with it. Sponsorship is a great opportunity, but let those things happen on their own terms. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction. Put out good energy into your work, and good things will come. Opportunities open new doors for new inspiration and it's a chain reaction. However, if your heart isn't in the right place, it wont be in your favor. I see so many bloggers who are pumping out bullshit in order to get noticed. Make money from blogging. Don't blog in order to make money.

7. Detail.  Many writers aren't believers in reading their own work soon after, but for me its vital in order to shorten my posts. I get carried away.  If it looks like a fuckin textbook, trim it.  Do not over style your food. Food should look clean on a plate, but maintain a soul. It can be avant garde, but you need to FEEL that in your spirit  in order for it to translate. Put a gorgeous model into a crazy outfit, but if the model does not become that character, it wont translate onto photo. Same with food. Don't force it. It shows!  I had a hell of a time plating when taking my contemporary course. I learned to become what I create. I work at certain times of the day in order to take advantage of natural light for photography.  Detail is not about perfection. It's about progression, new found knowledge, & your spirit in translation.

8. Focus. Talk as if you already have a huge audience, even if its just you and some dude in Nebraska.  Quit checking your stats every day. Law of Attraction. You're putting energy into unnecessary shit, so in return, you see the same results. Instead, focus on your content, your craft, your happiness, and that dude in Nebraska who asks you tons of questions on how to become a better pizza thrower. Vengeance and this "haters are my motivators" bullshit is only going to distract you from the purpose you originally had when you first became a blogger.  Focus on the positive & constructive.

9. Honesty. Share your past downfalls when someone asks. I see progression in my writing style and cooking, and how I articulate myself. I believe it's because I AM honest.  I'm proud of my early portfolio. It's a memory of what I knew, and why I did what I did.  Don't be shy. We're all human.

10. Instinct. Do what feels right, not what you think could be. Decline offers that you aren't excited about. I've turned down a few. One in particular wanted me in a contract. Why would I limit myself ? If something doesn't feel right, chances are, it isn't. If you have an amazing idea, don't be bashful. I felt silly about my ideas, and worried what others thought, even though I knew in my heart I can accomplish anything if my heart is in the right place, and I work hard at the things that matter.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Brown Sugar Lip Scrub

Hey Everyone! I know there are a billion recipes for DIY lip scrubs out there, but I have my reasoning as to why I feel these ingredients are best when making your own lip scrub, and which ingredients to avoid!

Brown sugar
Coconut Oil /Olive Oil

Why brown sugar? White sugar is processed with chemicals. Raw sugar granules are very large, and harder to dissolve.  Brown sugar is naturally dyed with molasses, and has a sand like consistency when moistened. This makes the lip scrub more effective & efficient. Molasses is great for cell renewal! BONUS!

Coconut oil has been shown to regenerate cell renewal, and prevent wrinkles. Just like my favorite, olive oil! If you don't have coconut oil, use olive. It's mostly for taste, but both oils have significant and similar benefits. Both will soften your lips.

I want to flavor my lip scrub! What should I avoid? What can I use? If you want to flavor your scrubs, avoid extracts. They contain alcohol, and alcohol drys out the skin. Opt for honey, or a little fruit jelly! It won't stain your lips, and fruit jellies such as wild blueberry are loaded with antioxidants!

Enjoy! Amber~

Friday, August 3, 2012

Arroz con Leche with Mexican Chocolate Ganache

Arroz con leche, (rice with sweetened milk & cinnamon) is something my grandma used to make me when I was little. It's a very simple treat using left over rice for a dessert, or even breakfast.

I wanted to transform this dish but maintain it's soul. I used a custard method instead, and seasoned with freshly grated cinnamon and nutmeg, then finished it off with a chocolate ganache using Mexican chocolate.

I wanted to bring back Mexican chocolate to it's true roots, and take you on a historical journey. Before chocolate was super sweet, and before Mexican chocolate was sweetened chocolate with cinnamon. Balance!


Cooked white rice.About 3 cups cooked. Make sure to rinse your rice prior to steaming. You will almost be cooking it twice, and want to maintain it's body. The extra starch will result in a mushy mess, and your custard wont absorb properly. Rinse until the water is clear.

4 egg yolks
1 pint/2 cups half and half (or 1 cup milk 1 cup heavy cream)
1/5 cup sugar
2 TBS vanilla extract

In a sauce pan, heat half and half until bubbles form at the edge. Grate in nutmeg and or cinnamon. In a separate bowl, have eggs yolks, sugar, and vanilla. Ladle in 2 oz of heated cream at a time. This is called, tempering. If you pour it all in at once, your eggs will cook too quickly and scramble. Whisk while gently pouring in cream.

In a small baking dish (9x9 or pie dish is fine) add in rice. Pour custard over, and let rest for 20 minutes. You're giving your rice time to absorb half of that custard base.

Bake in preheated oven to 350 F (177 C) for 30 minutes. The edges should be lightly toasted, and custard fully absorbed.

Set at room temperature for at least one hour.


6 oz dark chocolate (I used 60%)
Freshly grated cinnamon
pinch of cayenne (for warming sensation, not for spice or heat)
1/2 tsp or so room temp butter. If you do not have butter, you may use canola oil. Adding fat wil give the ganache its glossy finish.
3 oz heated heavy cream

If you're making ganache for a cake, your heavy cream needs to reach 180 degrees. This is prior to boiling point. I wait until the edges start to bubble and foam.

In a separate bowl, add chocolate, spices and fat. Once heavy cream is ready, pour onto the rest of ingredients. Do not stir immediately. Wait about 5 minutes, chocolate will have melted half way. Now stir.

Do not panich if at first you see heavy cream with floating chocolate. This is normal. Continue to stir. Within a minute, you will begin to see a gorgeous, glossy chocolate.

Place about a TBS in center of serving dish, add arroz con leche on top. Dust with cocoa powder.

This dish is slightly sweet. Use milk chocolate if you prefer. My inspiration came from my own sources. Make your inspiration come from yours, and what you prefer.

You may also make a white chocolate ganache, but it is a bit tricky. Same method, only add in butter last while stirring, and do it over a bowl of iced water. White chocolate tends to have a quicker carry over cooking time because of the fat content. (carry over means it continues to cook even though it is off the stove. )

I hope you enjoy this recipe, or found inspiration from it to create your own.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lentil Curry & Dumplings

Lentil Curry & Dumplings  

I know traditional curry is a culturally sentimental dish. Here she is, Americanizing it by adding dumplings.It's a guilty pleasure. My best friends demand this all of the time, and I'm always more than happy to make it for them. It has created a lot of bonding with us, so it's a part of me, and that is the purpose of food, and sharing a part of myself, right? Yea, I bastardized it didn't I? At least I admit it! 


Vidallia Onion: small diced
Red Bell Pepper: small diced
Coconut Oil:  Coconut oil is traditionally used in Western Indian cuisine, but if you can't find it use what you'd like. 
Vegetable Stock: Homemade preferred. Store bought is great, just remember, STOCK not BROTH (broth is seasoned with salt) You want to be in control of your salt seasoning! ;)
Coconut Milk: I used So Delicious because it isn't overly sweet, and isn't too rich like the canned variety which contains a lot sodium.  
Garam Masala: Garam Masala is a mixture of spices used in Indian cuisine. Many families have their own blends. Take time to smell your spices and see what you'd like. This is what I use: 
Black Peppercorn
Garlic Powder
Ginger Powder
Mustard Powder
Tumeric (is not the same thing as commercial curry powder)
Other spices you can use: Cumin, Star Anise, Nutmeg, Fennel Seed, Feungreek (Methi)...

What about Curry Powder? Curry Powder is premixed and not traditionally used. 
My personal preference is my own Garam Masala, but feel free to use just curry powder and a few other spices you feel comfortable with.  Remember that recipes are guidelines

Be creative. Use what you like. Use what you distinctively taste in favorite curries of yours.

What is best? Pre powdered or whole spices?  Here are a few options:
1.Toast whole spices on low heat, until you smell them. Blend them in a coffee grinder (preferred method). Fresh spices taste completely different. Grate fresh nutmeg. Don't toast it! 
2. Combine pre powdered spices (shelf life is 6 months. Spices lose potency & become stale)
3. Buy a garam masala blend at a gourmet food store!

1.Medium heat, warm up oil  
2.Add onions & mildly season with salt (always season in layers so each ingredient is highlighted) 
3.When translucent, add bell pepper & mildly season with salt
4.Add your lentils along with spices. This way your spices are incorporated in your broth properly, and you aren't left with floating dust by adding in after liquid has been added. 
5.When lentils have absorbed oil and spices thoroughly, add vegetable stock 
6.Bring to a boil for about 5 minutes
7.Turn heat down to a low/medium low
8.Add warm coconut milk (do not add coconut milk in when stock is boiling or cold milk to warm stock. your milk  will separate and turn into flakes)
9.Adjust seasoning (salt)
10.Drop in dumplings and cover with a lid
When dumplings are floating, kill the heat, and put the lid back on the pot. Dumplings will continue to cook, and lentils will not over cook. 

Unbleached All Purpose Flour: 2 cups
Salt: 1 tsp
Baking Powder: 1/4 tsp
Cold Water: About 3/4 cup

1.Mix dry ingredients together and form a dome in the center of the flour. Gradually mix in cold water and incorporate until a dough ball forms. 
2.Dust dough ball with flour if needed to prevent an impossible to prevent completely sticky mess. 
3.I don't knead my dumpling dough. If you have a super family dumpling method, use it! 
4. Rest dough.  
Make your dumpling dough first. You'll have alighter, fluffier dumpling, instead of a bunch of dense cannon balls from not letting it rest. 

If you want curry with rice, or bulgar wheat, cook separately. Grains are greedy! When left over lunch time comes, you'll have exploding curry rice. No broth! 

Garnish with fresh cliantro (coriander), mint, Thai basil, etc. Get creative!