Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to motivate picky little eaters into trying new things

Hey everyone! I am asked often how I get my kids to eat so well. It isn't about making them sit at the table until every green bite is gone. I don't bribe them with sweets, or toys. I don't ask them to eat their veggies.

I cook with them. Let them pick fresh basil, or taste raw garlic. You would think that trying a little raw garlic would make your kids run for the hills and never look back, right?

Aside from biology playing a role in kids refraining from bitter foods, or foods that look bitter, familiarizing themselves with something new can change their perspective. Holding a bulb of garlic, peeling it, watching you chop it up and letting them smell the difference between garlic in it's whole form,  in comparison to it's crushed form, gives them a sense of comfort with that ingredient.

Allowing them to approach food and create a meal (with a little guidance and lots of safety) gives them a sense of accomplishment and excitement. I talk to my kids about understanding food and their developing taste buds.

Choices.  Hey, tonight should we cook broccoli, or asparagus? Most kids are familiar with broccoli so they'll choose broccoli. Okay, should we cook up some asparagus, or beets? They recall hearing about asparagus, so... let's try asparagus, please!

I do not believe in making a separate meal for the kids. You're developing an expected routine, and segregating the meal. If you don't agree with serving the kids the same thing as you eat, add little bits of what the grown ups are eating. They may look at it, huff and puff, and not want it on their plate. That's when you say, "It either remains on your plate, or in your tummy."  You're giving your kids a choice. After a few times, they'll recognize wtf that shit is on their plate, and they'll try it. 

Think about it from an adult's perspective. You go to a foreign country. They're serving boiled duck's ass. You're like, WTF? If you move to that country, after a while, boiled duck's ass isn't going to seem like a huge deal anymore. You're used to being around it. It isn't even funny to joke about. It's all in the mental. 

 Let them choose something from the grown up's menu. I know some of you are rolling your eyes. "I'm not wasting money". Order something together. Order small appetizers, or from a small tasting menu. Sometimes they may want to, other times, they just want pizza. Adults are the same way! Respect that.

Understand your kids, just like you, may never like something. I hate brussel sprouts. I can cook the hell out of them. I can braise, chiffonade, render lardon and toss them in. Super dooper. I have an understanding as to why people like them, but I don't. 

Your kids do not dictate what they eat. Neither do you. Don't let your kid be a little Veruca Salt, and don't be Hitler at dinner time.Let them be a part of dinner. Even if it's ridiculously simple. It means the world to them, and you're creating memories. When you're not in the mood to have them tottering around you, give them a simple decision to make. Let them help set the table. Family meal will become important to them.

Let them be excited. Even if they don't like eating it at first. My daughter was super excited about sushi. She loved how cute it looked. She would taste little bites, and beam about how much she loved it. She wouldn't eat an entire piece, which is proper mannerism in Japan. Eventually, she did! She loves sushi now. She especially loves the miniature sushi with salmon and avocado. It just took a while for her to familiarize herself with it. New textures, new flavors.  

Last, here is a super recipe by my kids! Summer Pasta! ;) 

You will need:

Noodles. Let them choose the shape!

Asparagus. Let mom or dad blanch in seasoned water and cut on the bias.

Sun Dried Tomatoes. These are super sweet!

Black Olives. Make sure to leave some for alien fingers.

Cheese: We liked mozarella!

Parsley: It smells like fresh grass, but fun to sprinkle in a little bit.

Season with Koesher Salt. Mom, please do this part, because, us kids like to add stuff.

                                                               Finish with good quality olive oil.

                          Let marinate in the fridge for a few hours. It will be even better the next day!

Enjoy! Try one, some, or all of these tips that I use. It's about experiencing new things together.

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