Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Skin Acne Treatment - Easy way to get smooth skin without acne

Easy way to get smooth skin without acne

1. Cleanse your face. Cleaning your face two times every day is really lone of the essential points to ridding physically of a skin condition. Washing your face not single minimizes pollutants and exhausted skin cells, but it can furthermore help deal with superfluous smear with oil on the outside of your skin. Make guaranteed to apply lukewarm fill up (not hot) to commence up your pores and use a facial cleanser with an acne-fighting element such as benzoyl blanch or salicylic acid. General soaps can disturb and stir up the skin, which often can cause far more acne breakouts. Finish rancid by cleaning your skin with cold water to close your pores.

Never aid a course-textured skin scrubber (like a wash-cloth) to wash your skin. You must aid your hands to faintly vegetation your skin and sponge down painstakingly. Ensure with the intention of you gently tap dry your skin and as doable, aid a fresh towel pro all clean to care for hostile to the disperse of microorganisms on to your skin.

2. Ensure with the intention of you wet. Because quite a hardly any topical acne products often dry the skin, stay on up your face cleanse with an oil-free moisturizer. This must decrease dry skin and skin peeling, leaving the skin healthier and softer.

Skin Acne Treatment3. Keep away from makeup Whenever Permissible. Strive to dodge wearing makeup, particularly by the calculate of an acne breakout. If it is de rigueur, be guaranteed to wash it rancid aptly as you can. Also, apply oil-free or water-based structure products when doable.

4. Take trouble of your mane. Try to dodge numerous mane products consisting of scents, herbal oils, and harsh contents with the intention of could decline down to your visage. These substances might check your follicles and cause more breakouts. Oily mane will furthermore add more smear with oil to your skin so get on to guaranteed you wash your mane and keep your mane made known of your face.

5. Don't upset your face. Refrain from appearance in friend with your face with your hands or whatever thing pro with the intention of topic and don't allow whatever thing upset your face. Doing this will apply detrimental bacteria all ended your face and exasperate your skin even more. Don't pop your blemishes with your fingertips as this can principal to a better conundrum and doable scarring.

6. Keep away from the sun. Sunlight can get on to your acne more brutal by increasing irritation. A ration of acne treatments (oral and topical) boost the skin's sensitivity to the sun, which results in the skin quite susceptible to the sun's Ultraviolet emission. Befall guaranteed you aid a non-comedogenic sunscreen with by smallest SPF 15 (higher the better) by smallest amount 20 minutes former to vacant outside.

7. A better diet may possibly mean healthy skin. While here is zip methodical investigate with the intention of reveals with the intention of particular foods activate a skin condition, it's most likely thinking with the intention of keeping away from processed foods and fast food and introducing a ration more healthy fruits and vegetables into your diet would be inflicted with an overall clear impression on your body's overall health. It is renowned with the intention of particular vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, and E, may possibly raise your skin shape and overall advent.

8. Physical implementation. Consistent implementation is particularly beneficial to the skin since it improves the passage of blood to your full body. Nonetheless, ensure with the intention of you not deposit on clothing or bring about with implementation equipment with the intention of can rub hostile to your skin and leave it aggravated. Remember not to overlook to cleanse with working made known to wash your skin of all the perspiration from exercising.

9. Take a break. A generous digit of skincare professionals frequent stress with the presence and seriousness of zits and acne breakouts. It is very valuable discover the cause of your anxiety as well as discover how to deal with it efficiently. Doing so will not single assist with your skin's health, it can furthermore help your psychological well-being too.

Pimples are often probable in your young era, but it remains imperative with the intention of you understand and incorporate a day after day skin-care problem. Inside justification your condition continues to make worse, come across your doctor pro in depth treatment to eliminate acne breakouts.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Risotto Cakes

Hey Guys!

I am sharing with you a really simple way to make risotto a little more user friendly. Many of us are fans of risotto, but it would seem a bit impractical to serve it at a party. This method makes for a great appetizer, or for your mini buffet for guests to help themselves, and stay out of your kitchen. You know there is always one person who has to snoop around your cabinets. Best friends don't count.

If you have a risotto recipe already, use it! If you need help learning how to make risotto. CLICK HERE
The only difference here is, you will not cook it all the way, but 7/10 of the way. There should still be a bite to it, but not so much to where it gets stuck in your teeth.

Lay it out on a sheet tray. This is actually how it is done in restaurants. What? Did you think we made your order from scratch? No way! We par cook it half way and finish it when it's time to order. When your risotto is cooled down to room temperature, transfer it to the fridge. Notice how there is still liquid in my sheet tray? It will absorb into your high starch rice (I used Aborio since it is most commonly available).

If you were to completely cook rice, it would dry out, and have a mushy texture once cakes were done. Not good!

Why can't I just cool it off in the fridge instead of keeping it out first? You never want to use your fridge to bring down a temperature from something straight out of the oven/pan because you raise the temperature of your fridge, which can lead to food borne illness. Cool down first, then transfer into fridge to chill.

Get a bowl of water for your hands. Just like a sushi chef/sushi bartender would do. Keep hands damp and clean. 

1. Gently form a small ball, and lightly press to flatten it out a bit.
2. Gently press onto plate of preferred breadcrumbs (Don't recommend panko for this. Absorbs too much moisture from risotto!)
3. Sheet tray, parchment paper lined, place breaded risotto balls into freezer.

Why can't I just fry them now? I'm a food snob, and frozen food is not fresh or fancy! Okay, food snob. Next time you go to your favorite steak house, remember your fried apps are frozen! If you don't freeze them, they will fall apart. Freeze them for a half an hour- an hour. This prevents them from falling apart, and from them absorbing so much oil. It doesn't mean it's bad quality.

Oil, canola. Why? It has a higher smoke point. Peanut oil is amazing. However, you have to keep your guests into consideration. What if someone has a peanut allergy? What if a child who wants to taste a yummy treat has an allergy? Canola is a neutral oil meaning it has no taste. You want YOUR recipe to shine! 

Temperature? 350-375. Do not add in your cakes if your oil isn't ready. Test one out, if it isn't sizzling immediately, do not submerge it and wait. You're just absorbing all of that oil. We don't want grease cakes!

Olive oil isn't good for deep frying, in my opinion. Lower smoke point, which means the properties break down quickly, and it leaves a big crumbly mess in your pot. This is why when you're finishing up your last batch, it will have a bitter after taste.

Risotto cakes should have a light, crispy exterior, and a creamy interior.I used a variety of minced mushrooms and clarified onions. I seasoned with truffle salt (no truffle oil please for the love of god) and freshly grated nutmeg. Nutmeg really enhances the sweetness earthy mushrooms have. It compliments the entire bite tremendously without overwhelming it. Just a touch, but don't be too shy!

I hope you found this information useful. YOU need to be the conductor, and your imagination & ingredients, your orchestra.



Friday, July 27, 2012

Tiffany Cookies

In culinary school we did a lot of comparisons. I still do this at home, often. I wanted to see if there was a difference between the chocolate chip package recipe, and spending the extra cash on using the best ingredients I could find. So... I did. I did a blind test too, because I didn't want to convince myself of my desired answer. They taste so much better. I think it's about the butter and the chocolate!  

I wanted the cookies to be memorable. We've all had chocolate chip cookies, but only a few stand out to us. That is one of the best feelings for me as a cook. Bringing joy and a memorable experience to people. You're creating a chain effect of happiness. It's not about ME either. I have and am always more than happy to share something with people that someone else conceptualized & brought to life. If it makes me super happy, why wouldn't I share that experience and buy a dozen for my loved ones? 

I call them Tiffany cookies because using the best ingredients I could find reminds me of Tiffany jewelry. I know that is so lame huh? The reason is every time I've gone into Tiffany & Co, I come out happy (and empty handed LOL) but their employees are so nice and passionate about the detail that goes into their product. That is how I feel about everything I do! 


2 1/4 cups Organic unbleached All Purpose flour - aka AP in the culinary world
1 Tbsp fleur de sel -amazing finishing salt
2 farm fresh, organic eggs -free range doesn't mean good quality 
3/4 cup organic vanilla sugar - pop a split vanilla bean into your sugar for a couple of days. 
1 cup organic brown sugar
9 oz Belgian white chocolate
9 oz Belgian dark choclate 60% cacao no chemicals
1 cup French imported butter - it is amazing, sweet finish, creamy, light, & pure!
No Leavening. I'll explain in a moment. 

1. Make sure eggs and butter are at room temp. Easier to break down and mix with sugars, called the creaming method. Do not melt your butter. This will cause them to spread too thin.

2. Sift flour to prevent clumps of powder & combine with salt. Fold into wet mixture while adding chocolates. 

3. Refrigerate dough for about 15+ minutes. This helps the cookies spread evenly, without spreading too thin, which will melt and burn your chocolate chips on the bottom, since I did NOT use baking soda. As it contains aluminum. I'm not against baking soda, I just wanted to test taste purity.  Refrigerating also makes portioning much easier. Less sticky mess! 

Baking soda neutralizes the acidity in cookies and creates bubbles which aid in leavening, and giving them a nice golden color. Instead of baking soda, I did this:

1. Refrigerated my dough (which is not recommended apparently due to the bubbles deflating when using baking soda. It's so not true.)

2. Before popping them in the oven I sprinkled them with caster sugar (bakers sugar/superfine sugar) The sugar heats up while cooking, and helps toast the top of the cookies, also giving them a really delicate glassy mouth feel (oh come on not literally). 

Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350 F/177 C 

To be clear, I'm not knocking the cheap chocolate candy we find at the check out. I actually like some of it because it reminds me of my childhood. Nostalgia is great. It invites a happy memory.  It isn't going to kill you if you enjoy in moderation.

Trying new things and comparing is about having fun and creating memories. It shouldn't be about pissing on everything or everyone else's efforts. My intention on making a pure tasting cookie isn't to flip off the packaged stuff. I just wanted to do a fun activity for myself and anyone who wanted to partake in it. 


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Expensive Sweet Tooth

Hey guys! I came across some fabulous desserts recently, and it inspired me to do some research to showcase the worlds most expensive desserts! These are crazy! How much would you pay for a dessert if money weren't an issue? Be Honest! ;o)

                                                    World's Most Expensive Cupcake
This cupcake is $1,000! Created by Shafeena Yusuff Ali of Bloomsbury Cupcakes in Dubai. 


Another gold dessert:

                                                  Worlds Most Expensive Sundae
The Golden Opulence of Serendipity, New York is also $1,000! I know gold is pretty, but DANG!

                                          World's Most Expensive French Macaroon
World renowned pastry chef, Pierre Herme, sells his confections for $7,400! Sorry chef, Herme, if I'm spending that kind of money, it's going to be on a Hermes Brikin tote, not Herme's macraoons!

Worlds Most Expensive Hot Chocolate 
Of course it's Serendipity! Who else? The hot chocolate is actually frozen. It will cost you around... oh, $25,000! You can purchase a decent car, a few handbags, a wardrobe, or a frozen treat. I'll just let Serendipity make one for me on the house. Hehe!  Oh, and you get to keep the gold spoon and gold diamond encrusted goblet. HOLLA!  ^_^ 

or, you can get one that is less pricey for around $10.00!!!! 

You can also order the frrrrozen hot chocolate mix online here: Serendipity Website

So, those were some very expensive desserts right?! How fun would it be to try some? 

Oh, you thought we were done! I have one more. This one is crazy. Girls love cake. Girls love diamonds. So ladies and gents, please remember your special goddess and get her this: 

The World's Most Expensive Cake!!!!
At $1.65 Million you can have this yummy cake with 233 diamonds... just... be careful
unlike gold dust or leaf, diamonds aren't exactly edible LOL ;) 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mango Smoothie with Roasted Pistachio "Toffee"

Hey Everybody!

Like many, I'm a smoothie girl in the morning, or post workout. Sometimes, it's nice to enjoy your favorite fruit smoothie with a little bit of fabulousness. Here is a simple recipe for a fresh, mango smoothie, with a hint of cardamom, and topped with a roasted pistachio toffee. 

2 Over ripened mangoes (they should be dark orange and juicy)
Greek yogurt
Non fat milk or almond milk
Fresh cardamom spice (about 1/4 of a tsp.) it's potent!

Shelled pistachios
butterscotch (pre made or homemade)

On a low heat setting, add pistachios to a dry pan. Once you smell them, they're done. You want to simply release some of the natural oils in the nuts to elevate the flavor. Take them off of the heat and set aside.

I'm stubborn, and not always a fan of pre made stuff. Honestly though, sugar work is so complicated, and can be quite dangerous. Even in comparison to an oil burn, sugar burns are serious. I NEVER under any circumstances recommend any sort of caramel or sugar work while little ones are pitter pattering around the kitchen, or them sharing that experience.

Butterscotch is almost the same as a toffee. Only toffee is at what is known as the hardball stage (stage at which sugar cracks). There are different stages depending on temperature ranges that aid in consistency, and unless you have a candy thermometer, it's ridiculous.

I have a somewhat simple solution.

Quick butterscotch: 

1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 TBS butter
2 TBS half & half

Low heat, stir consistently, and do not step foot away from this because it can burn quickly. Once bubbles form around the edges of your small pot, take off the heat, continue to stir, and carefully transfer into a heat safe dish. Once butterscotch is cooled, take your pistachios, leave whole or chopped, and combine.

Add to your delicious smoothie, or eat alone. I'm not telling you what to do. I never said butterscotch or toffee were healthy. All I said is sometimes, you need a little fabulousness in your life. Pistachios with yummy butterscotch are fabulous!

Hope you enjoy this yummy treat.

Please share your food recipes that you've tried from this site, or share your own if they aren't super secret on my Facebook page!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Acne Treatment - Tips to overcome the problem of acne

Tips to overcome the problem of acne

If you give birth to problems with blemishes and acne breakouts, your confidence and self-esteem might suffer. While touch treatments and appropriate products can help, at this time are more or less fewer obvious ideas with the intention of you can try.

1. Stop touching your face. Every period you pick by a stain, put your chin in your hands, or rub your brow, you convey bacteria from your hands to your face. If these bacteria create their way into your pores, acne can develop. You can as well proliferate bacteria from blemishes to other areas of your face, making existing breakouts even worse. Find an additional way to keep your hands occupied, and make a conscious effort to make as little dealings with your skin as likely.

2. Do not scrub your skin roughly or wash your face too often. Over-cleansing or treating your skin roughly encourages the overproduction of sebum, or oil. This oil can clog your pores, leading to breakouts. Wash your face twice a daylight hours, by generally, with a gentle cleanser and using a gentle touch.

Acne Treatment3. Keep track of come again? You wolf. While this seems like a impractical hint, you might give birth to food allergies of which you aren't aware. Some allergies manifest with symptoms with the intention of mimic acne or rosacea, but eliminating the problematic foods can cause your symptoms to clear. If you notice at all correlations involving come again? You wolf and as you break dated, try trimming the offending food from your diet intended for a only some weeks. If your skin clears, you give birth to probably identified your culprit.

4. Always wash your face in the evenings. The dirt, grime and makeup of the daylight hours must be washed away sooner than your head continually hits the pad. Left to sit on your skin, these contaminants can clog your pores and prevent your skin from breathing, leading to breakouts and irritation. If you are often too trite to wash your face properly, keep more or less facial cleansing wipes on hand. These pre-moistened washcloths take a moment ago seconds to clean your face, leaving you with thumbs down excuses.

5. Wash your pillowcases by smallest amount time was a week. Oil from your skin and hair, along with your hair products, sit atop your pillowcase. When your face rubs in contrast to it through the night, these are transferred to your face. Keep breakouts to a bare minimum by washing your pillowcases in piquant run regularly. If you give birth to unembellished acne, you might need to wash them each other daylight hours.

Acne Treatment - Natural ways to remove acne hormones

Natural ways to remove acne hormones

Is your a skin condition making you feel self-conscious at what time ancestors are around? Perhaps, you're annoyed to others may well look on you repulsively. Instead, start looking designed for the wonderful solution to take up your matter skin condition. Experts believe to the finest way to pick up do away with of a skin condition is to eradicate the contributing factors. For paradigm, stress can be an underlying cause. Most ancestors think to lone teenagers are susceptible to acne, but it is joint amid adults as well. Did you know to acne is individual of the mainly joint skin conditions in the the human race? Hormonal imbalance is the prime cause, but present are other factors, such as genetics, stress, medications, occupation and location to be part of the cause to acne. Let's discuss concerning roughly of the natural ways to treat hormonal a skin condition.

Acne TreatmentThe function of hormonal acne treatment is to restore the natural balance of hormones in your body, so to your sebaceous glands will not supply extreme lubricate. Any hindrance or condition to leads to hyperactivity of your sebaceous glands will trigger acne. So, the objective is to prevent or deal with the extreme lubricate oozing. Clearade acne treatment demonstrates the role of acne vitamins, particularly Vitamin B5, in treating acne. When the just amount of Vitamin B5 is administered to your body, it sets rotten natural reactions to advance the lubricate metabolism in your skin. While you know, fatty skin positive discrimination acne breakouts and our objective is to combat the spot. Hormonal acne can occur on one stage in life, due to hormonal changes caused in the course of women's menstrual cycle or even emotional stress.

Natural acne treatment is not lone concerning applying herbal or family ointments on your face but in addition deals with your lifestyle and diet. Stress reduction is a wonderful move toward to treat hormonal acne. Appearing in today's fast-paced life, you cannot forestall mental stress. And, stress is an weighty cause designed for hormonal imbalance. You can overcome stress by revolving to real stress management methods like relaxing, exercising and getting proper doze. Obesity is one more rationale designed for recurrent acne. How is heavy interrelated to acne? It can foster the androgen levels in your body. So, maintaining your body emphasis and tumbling stress are long-lasting methods to control acne. That's not all. Such a lifestyle will be part of the cause to your overall health as well.

There are health options to combat hormonal acne, but they exhibit side-effects. Of possibility, you requisite seek your doctor or dermatologist designed for health advice. They may well prescribe oral contraceptives or anti-androgens to balance the hormones in your body. But, designed for one acne type, it's finest to try natural recourses by seeking health help. When it comes to diet, ensure to your diet includes fresh fruits and vegetables to contain acne vitamins. Did you know to antioxidants are amid the finest hormonal equalizers? They are in addition blood purifiers and for this reason, your skin will pick up a healthy glow and a brighter tone. Antioxidants in addition help in decreasing inflammation, which is an weighty cause designed for acne breakouts. Another weighty part concerning antioxidants is to they assist in quick skin renovation, denotation to compensation caused by acne are healed more rapidly.

Regular cleansing can be a impressive way to keep the skin lubricate liberated and prevent clogging of the skin pores. Remain hydrated, for the reason that plenty irrigate intake flushes disallowed the toxins from your body. Above all, locate the underlying cause designed for your acne problem and take up it.

Acne Scars Treatment - 5 steps to remove acne scars

5 steps to remove acne scars

Acne scars are as frustrating as acne itself. If you are pain from acne scars, you can waste 5 acne scar removal remedies with the intention of labor quickly. These remedies are discussed underneath.

1. Lemons

Lemon is highly successful in favor of the treatment of dark scars. It lightens the dark inscription and cleans the dirt from your face. You must clean your face with lemon juice with the help of a cotton globe. Leave the lemon juice on your air in favor of ten minutes and after that dip it gently. You must shun free unconscious in the sunlight considering applying lemon on your face since it can burn your skin. The preeminent age to waste this acne scar removal remedy is the night age. If you are responsibility it for the duration of daylight hours age, you can waste sunscreen to shelter your skin.

Acne Scars Treatment2. Olive Oil

Another easy acne removal home remedy with the intention of can yield reliable results is olive oil. You must massage a very little amount of olive oil on your face considering exfoliating. Olive oil contains moisturizing nutrients with the intention of access the scarred skin in order to sincerely wet your skin and to soften its feel.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda has many reliable uses. One of its preeminent uses is exfoliation. You can apply baking soda on your face to exfoliate whiteheads with the intention of be a factor to the formation of acne on your face. Baking soda is often used in diverse cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments. You can mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoon of ionized or filtered water. After making this mixture, gently rub it on your skin in favor of 1 precise and after that dip this mixture rancid.

4. Water

Drink as much water as you can everyday. Water is at no cost and readily unfilled in all places. It flushes unconscious the toxins from your body. You must drink by smallest amount 8 thorough glasses of fresh water (if you can drink ionized water after that it would be very beneficial in favor of your health). Water keeps your skin supple and fresh. It facility profound as it comes to heal skin scars and skin renovate.

5. Fruits

Your skin needs a reliable supply of vitamins. Lack of vitamins or essential nutrients in the body is recognized to cause acne on the face. Remember, your face shows I beg your pardon? You breakfast, so add fruits in your diet. Besides intake fresh fruits, you can smear fruits on your skin in favor of gentle acid exfoliation. For model, you can waste pineapple squash on your face for acne scar removal.

These acne scar removal remedies labor in favor of generally populate. These remedies are straightforward to apply. However, if you give birth to bad scars with the intention of are not responding to these acne scar removal remedies, you must consider getting health check treatment for acne scar removal.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lemon Meringue Mask for Cleaner, Smaller Pores

Hey Everybody!

I wanted to share with you an awesome recipe that pulls dirt & oil from your pores, and tightens them!

1. Take a cotton ball, and fresh lemon juice, and exfoliate. The astringency from the lemon juice removes dead skin cells from your face, while aiding in evening skin tone! Plus, it smells MUCH better than apple cider vinegar (which is also awesome for your skin, just smelly!) 

2. Whip up some fresh egg whites. You can use unwhipped egg whites, but whipping them is less messy, and  the protein structure in egg whites are naturally tight (think of decorative ribbon). As you whip them, these ribbons, start to loosen up, then they coil again, this time, all together. This makes getting into tight corners where bacteria form, like the corner of your nose as I've demonstrated here, much easier of a task. Since your egg whites wont drip before pulling out the dirt and bacteria, and then drying out. This gets the job done! 
Plus, it's funner to say lemon meringue mask than egg white mask! 
Even though the process of whipping egg whites will alter the structure of the protein, the lysozyme, found in egg whites, still does its' job by reversing signs of aging, healing, and protecting the skin from bacteria! (Who would have known?) Many high end skin products contain lyzsozyme, and those products are super expensive. Now you can enjoy those benefits at home! 

3. Leave whites on your face for about 10-15 minutes. Longer if you suffer from really large and clogged pores. Your face will begin to feel super tight. I mean, botox tight! It's crazy! 

4. Rinse with warm water! That's it! Now apply your favorite moisturizer and enjoy your super fresh face!

What possessed you to try egg whites, of all things, on your face? Working in a very hot kitchen is a huge disadvantage to skin. My pores became huge from being exposed to so much heat and moisture. I took my pastry knowledge of egg whites, and amino acid composition structure, and did some research! I had to put it to the test. It worked fantastic. Then, I thought, why not beat my egg whites so it's less messy? The protein network (if you want to call it that) is altered, but now working as a team. It is one of my favorite beauty secrets. 

WARNING: If you suffer from an egg allergy, please do not use this mask! 

Instead, go with the apple cider vinegar route (raw is best)! It is very astringent, so dilute with water. It removes dirt and helps close pores, but it has that... smell! If I ever come across a vegan/allergy free friendly variation, I will be sure to study it, test it out and tell you about it.

Culinary Cautions!

Hey guys! I think it is important to point out a few mishaps the culinary world, since foodies & home cooks alike love exciting recipes & equipment. So this post may break a few hearts, but I feel it to be important if not somehow a responsibility to share this stuff with you guys. My intention is to educate, not persuade.

Truffle Oil
I hear people rave about this stuff.Before spending your cash on this stuff (it is expensive) keep in mind a few things: Does not contain truffles. Never touched a truffle. It's actually a bound grapeseed or olive oil & synthetic compound to mimic some what a truffle's taste. Made by perfumists. Tastes nothing like a real truffle.If you like the stuff, by all means, go for it. Read your labels. The shit at the grocery store is NOT the real stuff. It's synthetic, and irresponsibly over priced. There are SOME oils with bits of truffle in them. Still unfairly expensive. Truffle salt is MUCH better. It contains truffles, and gives you a truffle experience. 

Crock Pot
(It had to be Hello Kitty DUH I love HK) Crock pots are a good idea, but keep in mind, they are a breeding ground for bacteria. Anything between the temperatures of 41-135F (5-57 C) is known as the temperature danger zone. The regulations regarding temperature fluctuate every other year for I suppose extra safety. At this zone, bacteria is growing like a wildfire. After 4 hours, you are at a high risk of food borne illness. So be careful. If you're home, cook that roast in the oven at 250F ( 93C). Much safer and honestly more effective (you want that caramelized crust to lock in moisture & flavor) So be careful when crock potting... LOL?

Copper Cookware 
Don't get me wrong, copper is fabulous and a regulates temperature amazingly. However, it isn't a "normal" pot/pan. I don't expect everyone to know the Ph scale in each acidic item they eat, but acidity not only tarnishes your gorgeous, expensive cookware, it can leech heavy metals into your food, causing a chemical food borne illness. So before you get ambitious with your gorgeous investment, remember to avoid acidic food! 
If you're impressed with how efficient copper is, look into copper core cookware. Amazing heat conduction, less expensive (still expensive), & safe! 

Well, those are my main concerns at this point. Aside from the bullshit gadgets that clutter up your kitchen space, those aren't harmful, or misleading. They aren't necessary, but at least the 1 million garlic peelers out there do the job, right? So, that stuff is okay with me. Sort of. 


Thursday, July 19, 2012

French Lavender & Meyer Lemon Shortbread

I have a really simple and properly made shortbread that can be vegan substituted. I always suggest imported butter. Butter from France tastes nothing like what I am used to in the United States. If you want to veganize it, I used Earth Balance buttery spread. (not an advert). I've used it before though for this recipe and it was really good.

My grandfather taught me how to make shortbread using a clay mold when I was a young girl. I know many clay molds are considered unsafe due to potential lead, so please make sure your clay mold/pot is from a reliable source.  He was so famous for his shortbread, and my other side of the family always raved about it. One day I asked him how he made it. It was the most simple, rustic process I had ever come across he learned in  Scotland. (where he met my grandmother during WWII) I have been making it ever since.

Equal parts flour, sugar, & butter.  
+ Vanilla 

My grandfather started out by creaming 3/4 butter and sugar, and adding in vanilla. He took his remaining butter which was cold, and worked it into the flour. Then gently folded everything together. I added French lavender and the zest of a Meyer lemon to mine. Since these aromatics are very light in weight, and potent in flavor, you only need a little bit, and it will not weigh down your shortbread. 

Add into muffin tins and bake in a preheated oven at 300 F (149 C) until the edges are golden. I am sure some passionate pastry chef will see this as a bastardization, but honestly, not everything is so technical. 

My intention in posting a simple recipe really isn't to make life easier on anyone. It's to showcase the beauty of old world baking and cooking, and share a part of my own family history that is meaningful to me. 

Why did you use soy cold pressed butter? I came up with this variation when I was suffering from some complications and cut animal fat out of my diet. I really love Earth Balance as a substitute for people who do not, or cannot eat real butter. I'll NEVER use margarine. BLEH! I'm not advertising for Earth Balance. If I were, I'd let you know at the beginning of the post! Earth Balance works as a substitute, and doesn't taste like something died in your mouth. Margarine rarely works due to it's properties and grossness. 

Why French Lavender? What is it? I know some of you, like I naturally would, have lavender of some sort in your garden and are getting excited. French lavender is used in cooking because it is very light & mild. Spanish lavender, is dark, puffy, and tastes like perfume. (please don't ask me how I know this. I don't want to talk about it.) 

French Lavender. Lighter in color, and in fragrance. Quicker to dry out for baking, & cooking.

Fresh, gently washed sprigs are also GREAT for lemonade!

Spanish Lavender. Darker in color, much more fragrant, and most commonly used in essential oil form, and for bath salts/candles.

Not suitable in cooking.

What the heck is a Meyer lemon? Okay, so by all means, if you can't come across Meyer lemons, do use what you have. Lemons are amazing in all forms. Meyer lemons just have a sweeter aroma and taste. Less pungent and sharp. They're amazing lemons, but use what you have. 

Left is a Meyer Lemon. Right, is a Eureka lemon. Notice the difference? The skin on the Meyer lemon is so smooth too. It smells amazing. I use them as often as I can. I grew up picking these lemons off of my neighbors trees... yea, I was that kid. I always wondered why those lemons were different than the ones at the grocery store. Nostalgia!

Photo Credit: Former Chef

So, there ya have it! A little bit of my childhood too, which I didn't expect to talk about. That's the beauty of writing. It just flows out. Let that be the same way with cooking.

Remember, food can inspire you beyond the pan and plate if you want it to.


Please check out SSAB's Facebook page. I post tons of really cool things there that I don't feature on my blog. Everything from food trivia, or really cool art inspired by food, or even made with food!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hey Puddin`!

I love bread pudding. It isn't super popular or appreciated like it should be. I guess it would be like the Alice in Chains of food.

There is an issue I've come across with people and their bread pudding. They mix everything together and carelessly throw it into the oven.

There are a few steps to keep in mind, in order to have the most amazing bread pudding. Light, yet rich, and a balance in sweetness.

1. Use good bread. I've totally made bread pudding years ago using old ass sandwich bread. Hey, use what you have, but if you want to put some thought into it, get the good stuff. I love using sourdough from Boudin based out of San Francisco. Their yeast strand is over 100 years old, and the bread has the perfect consistency. Your bread does matter! Use what YOU like.

2. Day old bread. I think this is why I got into making bread pudding. Shocking as this sounds, I always have left over bread. I make bread pudding (or croutons, stuffing...). The reason we use day old bread is because it absorbs liquid sufficiently, so you aren't left with this dense, mush.

3. Custard Method. I hate the thought of just whisking some eggs, adding milk and sugar and blah blah blah. Put some thought into it. Cooking is about connecting with your food. Elevate your ingredients by making a custard base.

Heat up cream, milk etc, add in a little sugar (this prevents the lactose from scalding) Once heated up, take a bowl of egg yolks and sugar, ladle in a little hot cream, whisk, a little more, whisk, then add in the rest. BOOM! THEN your extract (it will evaporate out if you add it to your milk when it's cooking. )

4. Save your egg whites. whisk them, with cream of tarter until stiff peaks. Fold into your cooled down custard base. Now your bread pudding will be extra light and fluffy. Kinda like a souffle (but not).

5. Soak for 20 minutes. You want everything absorbed nicely. Make sure your cubed bread is consistent in size!

6. Baste. WTF? Yea, I do this simply with a little sugar water, or a reduced amaretto liquor. I love those gorgeous peaks of crust popping out on a good looking bread pudding, but they tend to try out quickly. This way, you will maintain a nice texture, without burning the shit out of your puddin'.

7. Get Creative. Go nuts with your flavor profiling. Things like vanilla, candied citrus rind, nuts, bitters, coffee... not all combined, come on now. Make it savory, or sweet. Top it off with a good quality ricotta or mascarpone, gelato, or even greek yogurt slightly sweetened with honey, or a streustel.

Recipes are guidelines guys. I say this all of the time. It's all about technique.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to motivate picky little eaters into trying new things

Hey everyone! I am asked often how I get my kids to eat so well. It isn't about making them sit at the table until every green bite is gone. I don't bribe them with sweets, or toys. I don't ask them to eat their veggies.

I cook with them. Let them pick fresh basil, or taste raw garlic. You would think that trying a little raw garlic would make your kids run for the hills and never look back, right?

Aside from biology playing a role in kids refraining from bitter foods, or foods that look bitter, familiarizing themselves with something new can change their perspective. Holding a bulb of garlic, peeling it, watching you chop it up and letting them smell the difference between garlic in it's whole form,  in comparison to it's crushed form, gives them a sense of comfort with that ingredient.

Allowing them to approach food and create a meal (with a little guidance and lots of safety) gives them a sense of accomplishment and excitement. I talk to my kids about understanding food and their developing taste buds.

Choices.  Hey, tonight should we cook broccoli, or asparagus? Most kids are familiar with broccoli so they'll choose broccoli. Okay, should we cook up some asparagus, or beets? They recall hearing about asparagus, so... let's try asparagus, please!

I do not believe in making a separate meal for the kids. You're developing an expected routine, and segregating the meal. If you don't agree with serving the kids the same thing as you eat, add little bits of what the grown ups are eating. They may look at it, huff and puff, and not want it on their plate. That's when you say, "It either remains on your plate, or in your tummy."  You're giving your kids a choice. After a few times, they'll recognize wtf that shit is on their plate, and they'll try it. 

Think about it from an adult's perspective. You go to a foreign country. They're serving boiled duck's ass. You're like, WTF? If you move to that country, after a while, boiled duck's ass isn't going to seem like a huge deal anymore. You're used to being around it. It isn't even funny to joke about. It's all in the mental. 

 Let them choose something from the grown up's menu. I know some of you are rolling your eyes. "I'm not wasting money". Order something together. Order small appetizers, or from a small tasting menu. Sometimes they may want to, other times, they just want pizza. Adults are the same way! Respect that.

Understand your kids, just like you, may never like something. I hate brussel sprouts. I can cook the hell out of them. I can braise, chiffonade, render lardon and toss them in. Super dooper. I have an understanding as to why people like them, but I don't. 

Your kids do not dictate what they eat. Neither do you. Don't let your kid be a little Veruca Salt, and don't be Hitler at dinner time.Let them be a part of dinner. Even if it's ridiculously simple. It means the world to them, and you're creating memories. When you're not in the mood to have them tottering around you, give them a simple decision to make. Let them help set the table. Family meal will become important to them.

Let them be excited. Even if they don't like eating it at first. My daughter was super excited about sushi. She loved how cute it looked. She would taste little bites, and beam about how much she loved it. She wouldn't eat an entire piece, which is proper mannerism in Japan. Eventually, she did! She loves sushi now. She especially loves the miniature sushi with salmon and avocado. It just took a while for her to familiarize herself with it. New textures, new flavors.  

Last, here is a super recipe by my kids! Summer Pasta! ;) 

You will need:

Noodles. Let them choose the shape!

Asparagus. Let mom or dad blanch in seasoned water and cut on the bias.

Sun Dried Tomatoes. These are super sweet!

Black Olives. Make sure to leave some for alien fingers.

Cheese: We liked mozarella!

Parsley: It smells like fresh grass, but fun to sprinkle in a little bit.

Season with Koesher Salt. Mom, please do this part, because, us kids like to add stuff.

                                                               Finish with good quality olive oil.

                          Let marinate in the fridge for a few hours. It will be even better the next day!

Enjoy! Try one, some, or all of these tips that I use. It's about experiencing new things together.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Your Food Will Never Taste Like Mine

...not because I'm claiming to be the better cook. I'm actually referring to recipes being guidelines. I felt it necessary to emphasize on how ridiculous I find recipes to be for preciseness.

"What about in restaurants? Where's the consistency?"  Tell me every time you've ordered a porterhouse it has been seasoned exactly like the last one, with the exact same marbleization as the previous.

The exception would have to be baking. No, I'm not talking about measuring by volume either, like we do at home. Baking, dough, and bread making are measured by weight for consistency and preciseness. That doesn't mean that the peach pie in June will be as good as the one in July (peak season for peaches) 

Also consider altitude of their crops, and the humidity in a kitchen that needs to be ridiculously controlled.

"I followed the recipe exactly like my mom suggested. It doesn't taste the same."

So many factors here. First of all, does mom measure everything, or is it a guideline based on what she feels is 2 TBS? As a cook or chef, you have a pretty good idea of what 2 oz looks like, but you're still going to be off. It may be 2.03 oz for a pro, or 2.7 oz. for mom! Remember there is a certain nostalgia we have of mom and grandma's cooking, or dad's breakfasts. That is simply the power of cooking and the effect it has on us neurologically. It's an amazing thing. Even as an adult, if your grandma or mom is cooking for you, you feel like that 10 year old little boy or girl again, for a moment. You even have a realization at that moment, you're now an adult, and your mom has aged. 

"Okay, I followed a recipe is precisely, so why doesn't my version taste like that of the version I had at the restaurant that was also featured in a super chef's cookbook?"

How old are your spices? This is a huge factor. A good restaurant, and good chef, most likely rotates spices every 6 months. Not only that, but powdered spices are shit. Keep the shit powder nutmeg. Buy the whole nutmeg. Grate a little bit and smell that compared to the crap you were using. It is RIDICULOUSLY different.

Invest in a coffee grinder. When you're in the mood to make that amazing mole`, or curry, toast your whole spices on low heat in a small pan, until you smell them. This releases the natural oils. Bust them in the grinder. It literally takes a couple of minutes. 

Do you use real cinnamon?  Here in the US, that ain't real cinnamon, babe!

On the left, is true cinnamon. On the Right, is cassia, which is an entirely different plant, not relative to cinnamon, but is sold as cinnamon in the United States. There are similarities, but true cinnamon is no where near as woodsy or bitter. True cinnamon is mild and much more aromatic. 

Cassia may be cheaper, but you get what you pay for. Once again, do a comparison when you get the real stuff.

I suggest visiting international markets, or ordering it online from a trusted source. Also, international markets are a great way to invest in whole spices (even in bulk) for a fraction of that McCrap shit at the store. You can find reasonable prices on super cool stuff too that would normally be expensive, and is fair trade. Ajwan seed, saffron, vanilla bean, real cinnamon... all of this stuff is waiting at reasonable prices. Don't be afraid to talk to the store front owners either. They're usually very friendly, and love talking about the spices they grew to love.

"I don't understand why a simple meal in *insert country here* tastes better there than it does here." 

In the United States, we unfortunately have to market organic, whole foods and ingredients. Where in  MOST parts of the world, it just IS!

Did you know our tomatoes that we magically grow out of season were manipulated by using flounder DNA in the early 90's? We pump with antibiotics, grow shit out of it's natural season and habitat, and wonder why our kids don't like veggies. Okay there is a biological reason, but that excuse only goes so far and is to a specific extent.

Soil, climate, altitude. All play significant roles in production. Wonder why wine makers are so serious about their craft? Wonder why Napa Valley is so popular for wine, or Castroville for artichokes?Your water and rain play a huge factor too! I know it seems like I'm breaking this down to a ridiculous degree, but I'm simply answering questions we've all had at one point or another. 

It's the little details that make a meal memorable. 


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Acne Scars - Best way remove acne scars

Best way remove acne scars

Acne scars are very difficult to deal with. It's for the reason that just the once you be inflicted with got scars on your be in front of, you can't obtain divest of them completely. However, you can bring into play positive things to darken these scars. Near are various types of treatments obtainable in favor of the removal of acne scars. More or less of these treatments are very expensive and need to befall practical several era indoors order to realize noteworthy results. At this time we are going away to discuss three popular treatments.

Chemical Peels

This treatment is in addition notorious while acid peels. Indoors this treatment a aspect type of organic, typically salicylic, glycolic or else lactic acid is practical to the skin with the aim of has acne scars on it. It is made to remove the superficial layers so the smoother skin layer can outside.

acne scarsThe deletion of superficial peels is painless if this treatment is performed by the book. Indoors routine luggage, near is rebuff need to bring into play anesthesia. This procedure takes several weeks or else months and peels are performed several era for the duration of with the aim of schedule. This treatment is not lone beneficial in favor of acne scars but in addition it is useful for active acne. The largest part cosmetologists and dermatologists urge this treatment.

Derma Fillers

Derma fillers be inflicted with gained a fate of popularity between folks folks with the aim of are experiencing brutal a skin condition scars on their be in front of. Derma fillers are not lone obtainable in favor of scaring but in addition in favor of wrinkles and other depressions with the aim of are formed indoors the skin. Derma fillers are of various types such while artificial, natural resources and man-made resources. These resources are obtainable indoors various values indoors order to befall used indoors accordance with the level of tradition. The entirety procedure of using derma fillers to remove acne lettersrs is very quick and it takes lone 30 minutes or else even a lesser amount of. This treatment has smallest amount quality belongings. It is almost a painless medication in favor of the deletion of scars. Derma fillers are obtainable with several trade names.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser treatment is one more popular acne scar removal treatment. Indoors this treatment a aspect type of laser is used to remove or else burn rancid the top layer of the skin of the sufferer. Laser resurfacing is lone of the the largest part recommended acne scars removal treatments. The be more or less cost of this treatment is around $2,378. This treatment improves the overall development of your skin.

What Are Other Popular Acne Scars Removal Treatments?

Near are various other treatments with the aim of are used in favor of the deletion of acne scars. More or less of these treatments include the following.

Subcision - indoors this treatment scars are detached from their deeper tissue. A pool of blood is formed under the lettersrs which indoors turns form connective tissue with the aim of levels the smear with the skin outside.

Cuff cutting out - indoors this treatment a cuff tool is used to excise the scars and the edges of scars are sutured mutually.

Dermabrasion - indoors this treatment the top layer of skin is peeled rancid with the help of a diamond coated fraise or else a high-speed rotational wire brush. This procedure makes the scars a lesser amount of pitted. This medication fades the scars, but these lettersrs are not indifferent completely. Indoors order to obtain required results, this medication is constant multiple era.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Flour Free Peanut Butter Cookies

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to share with you a really simple cookie method that I've been using for years! I have tweaked it over time, and am finally happy.

1 cup Peanut Butter (the real stuff )
1 large Egg
1 TBS Vanilla or Almond extract
1/4 Cup Confectioner's Sugar + a little to garnish

This recipe is low in sugar, and flour free. They would make perfect snacks when you're on the go, since they're loaded with protein and healthy fats. Everything in moderation though. Each cookie is about 2 TBS, which is a popular serving suggestion on most peanut butter jars I've purchased.

I emphasize on using real peanut butter for so many reasons. I'm not here to tell you it's all natural, super dooper, etc etc. I have a headache thinking about how fuckin paranoid I am as it is to eat these days, and want you to enjoy your damn cookies!

Taste real peanut butter, and taste the stuff we grew up on. Okay, so there is a bit of nostalgia in terms of the not so natural stuff.  The real stuff makes for a better fourless cookie in terms of texture and preferable taste. Use what you have though.

Stir peanut butter in a large bowl until it reaches a smooth, sort of warmed up consistency. Do not heat or microwave. Take your room temp egg and combine. Slowly add in your sugar, to avoid clumping, and extract.

Okay, now here is the important part! Please refrigerate your dough for about an hour. I know, I know. We want cookies, and we want them now. If you skip this step though, you may end up with cookies that spread quickly, and burn at the bottom. It will also be a sticky mess when portioning your cookies.

I use an ice cream scoop for consistency. Consistency is important to prevent under or over baking some of your goodies.

Pop in a preheated oven at 325 F (163 C) for 15-20 minutes. Let cool before you eat so they don't fall apart or burn your mouth! EEK!  Garnish with sifted confectioner's sugar!

Please always ask your little guest's parents if they suffer from allergies. 

I do not recommend making peanut butter cookies for a class party, or kid's birthday/function. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birthday Caketini

Hey everyone!

I wanted to make a birthday cake inspired cocktail that reminded me of a cake when looking at it. I used Pinnacle Vodka in Cake flavor & Whipped. It's a really indulgent drink, and every birthday girl (over 21 of course), deserves to feel as fabulous as possible on her special day. 

Ingredients For Cake:
2 oz. Pinnacle Cake 
1 oz.  Milk
1 oz. Heavy Cream
or 2 oz Half & Half  (it's half heavy cream half milk)
Splash of Strawberry Liquor
Sprinkle in a pinch of Pink Sugar for color

Fill shaker up with ice. Add ingredients, and shake 

Ingredients for Whipped Cream:
2 oz. Heavy Whipping Cream
1 oz. Pinnacle Whipped
Confectioners Sugar (your preference of sweetness)

Combine heavy whipping cream & confectioners sugar first. Then gently fold in vodka. Do not mix all at once, or your whipped cream will break.

Take your martini glass, and glide a strawberry around the rim. Dip your glass in pink sugar. At the bottom of your glass, soak a little pink sugar and Pinnacle Cake. Gently pour in cake cocktail, and gently add spiked whipped cream. Using the end of a spoon or a chopstick, create little swirls as you would see on a birthday cake. Add a fondant flower for garnish to complete your cake cocktail.

This drink really tastes like a birthday cake!

Enjoy, and Happy Birthday!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Olive Oil Makeup Remover & Skin Benefits

Hey everyone! I hate paying money for a cosmetic item that I end up not liking. Although department stores are fantastic in terms of returning an item, they’re expensive, and not everyone considers $28 for makeup remover practical. 

 So instead, they spend $9 at a drugstore. What if you’re not happy with the product? This happens SO often to most of us.

How about a makeup remover you can find in your pantry? Oh yea, OLIVE OIL! No, olive oil will not clog your pores, or break out your skin. It does the opposite! 

It contains antibacterial agents, which actually aid in cleansing your skin thoroughly. Antioxidants, including Vitamin A & E aid in reversing signs of aging, fades acne scars, and hydroxytyrosol, which is the most profound compound, fights free radicals, which also reverses aging, and aids in inflammation. 

It is safe to use around the eye area, and works quickly, as I have attempted to demonstrate. I have a few favorite over the counter makeup removers that I use when traveling, but hands down Olive Oil (Extra Virgin is beneficially best) is my favorite.

I have been using it for 10 years now, and use it 90% of the time. Like I said, when I travel, or simply spend the night with family or my best friends, I don't bring a big container of it over, nor do I bottle my own. Lazy, I know. I'm always afraid it will leak, or sweat out of a plastic container, which is always possible with oil, so be informed of that! I'd hate for you to open your travel bag, with oil seeping everywhere. 

Your skin will be clear of dirt, fight acne, reverse aging, and even skin tone. Cleopatra used Olive Oil as a part of her beauty regimen. The Egyptians weren’t kidding when they called it “liquid gold”. Remember to add some to a separate container or small dish before using it to remove makeup. Keep it sanitary! ;)

Let me know how it works out for you! 
