Friday, June 29, 2012

Skin Acne Treatment - How do acne treatments at home ?

How do acne treatments at home ?

Maybe you as a rule produce acne and other skin issues, before maybe an acne outburst is bizarre intended for you: Either way, you certainly wish for it taken bother of fast. Taking part in order to quickly wipe prohibited acne, which can be situated uncomfortable on many levels, paramount explore what did you say? It is so with the purpose of you can wisely take the after that step.

Where Does My Acne Come From? What did you say? You get something done before get something done not devour determination not help control your acne. Your skin is not affected by greasy food before chocolate, if not you are allergic to individuals foods. The plugs on the skin pores, which could be situated a combination of blank skin cells, bacteria and hardened sebum, and hormonal fluctuations are the cause of acne, which makes it a representative part of adolescence intended for the majority of us. Your each day activities produce a elevated role to cooperate taking part in the condition of your skin.

Skin Acne TreatmentWhat did you say? You can get something done: You need to obstruct the make use of of astringents if you are having a break prohibited. If the treatments you make use of cause cutting, in attendance is a able hazard your skin is being dried prohibited. Taking part in order to make better up take your phase and make use of simply the gentlest ingredients. Using plain fill with tears to clean your skin could help. While it might take a hardly any days to adjust, you'll often come across with the purpose of the transition is worth it. A number of live in come across with the purpose of using an antibacterial liquid soap more exactly than shaft soap what time washing their be drawn against helps a set. Sluice your be drawn against comprehensively but gently next to slightest twice a daylight.

Natural or home remedies: Which solitary be supposed to you take garlic, baking powder before corn starch? A number of cures intended for acne can be situated found respectable taking part in your kitchen cupboard. You can create your own home-made be drawn against cream with a paste of fill with tears and baking powder before mashed garlic, and keep it on intended for as regards five to ten minutes, in that case soak it away. Apply twice a daylight. The sting and rosiness can obvious up, portion it heal sooner. Make use of a clean towel to discolor your be drawn against dry afterward washing.

A singular back home remedy utilizes egg sallow miscellaneous with corn starch to receive a skinny paste. Consent to it stay on the be drawn against until dry, in that case soak. Make use of it two epoch each day.

In attendance are quite a hardly any singular brands of over-the-counter acne treatment. The majority of them contain benzoyl remove the color before salicylic acid. Both chemicals execute microbes, but they can cause dry skin, irritation, before rashes on live in with touchy skin.

Eating healthy foods and drinking a lot of fill with tears plus determination help.

What time you are looking to grasp free of your acne, remember with the purpose of in attendance are many singular options exposed to you. Everybody's skin is not the same. What did you say? Factory well intended for a number of could not control intended for others. Get something done the examine to discover the best way to get your acne under control.

Acne Treatment - The best way to get rid of acne forever

The best way to get rid of acne forever

Acne is a very general skin badly behaved featuring in many parts of the humankind.

Many of us command wish to make use of medicines to understand clear of, prevent or else solve acne.

But accede to us for all time remember with the aim of near are sufficient ways of solving acne, which take into consideration natural methods.

So accede to us try and drive through all the various natural ways of solving acne and becoming acne free.

These are my top acne solving tips to try to eliminate acne for good:

Drinking water

Water is for all time a sound way to try and eliminate a skin condition. And by drinking by the side of smallest amount up to two litres of irrigate apiece period, you command live keeping by hand hydrated and this command help you overcome or else alleviate the stopped up pores which develop under your skin. Come again?

The sound effects of irrigate does, is with the aim of it in point of fact helps you to shed folks insensitive cells suitably.

Eating the correct vegetables and fruits.

Eating vegetable and fruits, is for all time a large plus, having the status of it keeps your body fit and healthy, but by the side of the same schedule it in addition allows your skin to grow and live healthy.

Acne TreatmentKeep away from too many beauty products.

We all try by the side of a little stage featuring in our lives, to grab folks wellbeing and beauty products, which lure us and try to assure us with the aim of acne and solving acne, is something with the aim of can live without problems overcome.

But accede to us for all time remember with the aim of on occasion, such products can in point of fact organize supplementary spoil than sound.

It is a established statement, with the aim of many skin be concerned products can and declare led to clear skin disorders.

So for all time to drive in support of a supplementary natural artifact and single with the aim of does not contain a vast amount of chemicals.

A a small amount of examples of natural products would live soaps or else tea tree oils.

Come again? Can stress organize?

I am reliable with the aim of we all can set eyes on with the aim of the opening of getting acne, or else difficult a skin condition, can and command go on, similar to puberty.

And why - well for the reason that it is by the side of this stage featuring in one's life, with the aim of hormonal changes are by the side of their tip. Let's situate it this way - the supplementary stressed unfashionable with the aim of you understand, the supplementary with the aim of your body is likely to react.

Relaxing possibly will seem like a relentlessly option, but whilst you relax, you control the stress levels featuring in your body and accordingly you are serving to solve with the aim of cane.

Your body featuring in a relaxed state may well well harvest supplementary cortisol, which is for all time supportive aligned with acne.

And carry on, but by rebuff wealth smallest amount, stay away from caffeine.

Caffeine is a established cause of causing and producing supplementary stress and supplementary stress hormones, featuring in your body.

Come again? Happens is with the aim of your skin reacts featuring in clear ways to with the aim of stress, and this command unquestionably magnify with the aim of acne.

So with all with the aim of featuring in mind, remember with the aim of solvin black and whitee is something with the aim of is featuring in issuenbe relevant with the aim of skin conditionn live ready - eithinhabitough the beyond meon the houses or else in addition through natura skin conditionroducts.

Ridiculous Food Products & Beverages

Hey everyone! I thought it would be a fun way to finish the week by sharing a few of the oddest food & beverages, and poke a little fun at them.

I'll take a bag of  drunk panda seals in drag please!!!  HOLLA!

I appreciate the fact that this brand showed what the product actually looks like when you pull it out of the can.. I'd be afraid of accidentally giving myself a fuckin tracheotomy though, when swallowing the bread.

I guess my humor is too westernized. I didn't exactly slap myself in the knee when I saw this.

Honestly, what would your reaction be if you saw someone chugging this at the park?

In all fairness, I get it. Midwestern grandparents, proud of their grandchild...


It's all starting to make sense to me.

Zero calories

Zero creative talent

Zero respect for the Chanel empire

Perfect match!

A new trend is DIY hot dog vodka.

I really wish I were kidding. 

The creator of this drink should have kept his hot dogs over an open flame, and THEN poured vodka over them.

Okay I'm kidding! I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. Hot dogs though? TRIPPIN!

This product gives a whole new meaning to egg rolls.

From now on, every time you order or make egg rolls, you're going to think of this stuff.

What are some of the weirdest food products you've seen or tried? Have a great weekend everyone! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rainbow Meringue

Hey everyone! I wanted to share a really fun recipe that is kid friendly, colorful and simple. I love including my children when cooking or baking therapeutically. This is the time where I live in the moment while doing what I love, with the people I love.

I believe sharing different aspects of your personality can be reflected by the food you create. At least that is my experience.


Egg whites
Caster sugar (bakers sugar)
Cream of tartar
Extract (vanilla etc)

Food coloring ( I suggest food gels)

For every 2 egg whites, you need 1/4 of sugar and 1/8 tbs of cream of tartar. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.

When egg whites are at room temperature, take your stand or hand mixer, and at a low speed, beat egg whites & cream of tartar until foamy. Then gradually add in sugar, at medium high speed. Add in vanilla. When your peaks are glossy, stiff, and the sugar is dissolved, you're done.

What is cream of tartar, and why is it needed for meringue?  Cream of tartar, or potassium bitartrate, is a  sediment that occurs by means of crystallization during wine fermentation. It is derived from tartaric acid, which is found in grapes, and it does regulate the Ph in the fermentation process. It is harvested from wine barrels in it's crystallized form, and I believe then turned into a powder. I have no idea who has that job, but it must be tedious!

It is an important ingredient for meringue, because of its Ph, which is around 3, meaning pretty acidic, it is able to prevent the sugar from crystallizing during the cooking process, while keeping egg whites stable. Sugar always competes with protein, so without the acid in its powdered form, your meringue quickly turns into a weeping mess. If you're lucky enough to get your combative meringue into the oven, the sugar will win the battle by crystallizing.

So boom! Now ya know! back to the recipe! ;D

We did a bit of experimentation when trying to come up with fun colors for our meringue. So this is what we ended up doing:


For each color used, we used a chopstick to swirl in our colors. I don't recommend using fancy chopsticks, since food gel is notorious for staining the hell out of everything nice. I bought a pack of these cute pink, plastic chopsticks in the Asian district in my city. They were $2 for like 10 pair.

Simply drag your coloring by means of chopstick, around gently, and slowly your meringue. Alternate colors. Have paper towels near by. This can get messy, especially with little ones helping out. It's SO much fun though.

Then when you have your pretty colors mixed and swirled, gently With a spoon, gently scoop the top of your pretty meringue, and drop it onto a parchment lined sheet pan.

Set your oven to 200 F ( 93 C) Low and slow. This is going to take some time if you want your meringue to maintain it's glossy, white finish. To prevent too much coloring on the bottom, you can use the double sheet tray. It may take up to an hour to get these cookies done. Don't panic though. Check on them every so often, but please for the love of the universe do not open and close your oven the entire time. Your meringue will take forever to cook, and because of the crazy temperature changes, you're going to cause shrinkage. Keep your timer handy.

If your little ones are helping out, let them go a little crazy. I wanted to use a piping bag, just to test everything out, but I'm fresh out of piping bags, and I am going to assume that it would be a ridiculous mess. I am willing to give it a shot in the future though, so if it all works out some how, I'll take back everything I said! I know there is a way to do it. There has to be!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Artichoke Risotto

Risotto is one of those dishes that requires close attention. You can't set it and forget it, and you cant throw everything in at once. It requires a gradual layering of ingredients, and a gradual addition to liquid. If you over cook it, you'll end up with mush. If you add everything in at once, you'll miss out on the creamy texture that makes risotto so loved and adored. It makes for a perfect starter to a meal, or a meal in itself.

Even though it requires your love and attention, it is quite simple. I have a guidelined recipe for risotto with artichoke bottoms. Remember to stay creative. Omit a certain ingredient for something else. One rule of mine is, if it is a vegetarian type dish, stick with vegetarian stock. Personal opinion.

Olive oil
About 1/8 Cup minced shallots
2 TBS minced garlic
4 artichoke bottoms. (Fresh is best, but use what is available in your area.
Vegetable stock
1 cup aborio rice
Flat leaf parsley
Koesher salt to season
1 TBS butter

I garnished my risotto with a poached hen egg yolk, and aged smoked cheddar grated finely on top. Use what suits you best and what you have on hand that will go well with your risotto.

In a small pot, heat up your stock. Heat up about a quart. If you only have a large pot, try more. We are going to poach our egg yolk in the left over stock.  It depends on how much you need until the risotto is fully cooked. I use a 2 oz ladle, the small but not tiny sized if that helps.

Recipes are guidelines. Once people realize that, life will become much easier. Even in the most consistent restaurants some base ingredients are prepared this way. If you follow a recipe (that doesn't require a scientific necessity), you're intimidated. Don't be intimidated. Just flow with it.

In a sauce pan lightly drizzle olive oil, enough to cook shallots. You want them translucent, not caramelized. Keep your pan at a medium low heat to prevent burning.

Season very lightly with salt. We season in light layers. This way all ingredients are showcased. It makes such a difference.

Add dry risotto. Quickly stir it as it absorbs the fat. Ladle in your first two ounces of stock. if your heat is too high at this point (depending on your pan) adjust it. You don't want to over cook your risotto. It will lose its creaminess, and the rice will lose its integrity.

Continue to stir. Let it relax for a few seconds, and keep stirring. Be sure to grab every little grain of rice that is holding on to the side of your pan for dear life. He won't cook, so if he gets left behind, he'll end up stuck in someone's teeth. No fun!

Add in another ladle when liquid is almost absorbed. Add your garlic. I purposely did not add in the garlic with the shallots at the beginning. Garlic cooks quicker. It will burn before you're shallots are translucent.

When your risotto doubles in size, add in your medium diced artichoke bottoms. Continue to stir, season lightly.

This is when things start to slow down, and it is a good time to start seasoning every so often. You don't want to season all at once. If you do, the salt will be ridiculously concentrated, and absorbed fully into your rice. BLEH!!!!!

When your risotto is about 90% cooked (soft, but a tiny bit of a bite) kill the heat, and finish with your butter. Adjust your seasoning one last time. It will continue to cook, but you'll lose the risk of over cooking. You want your risotto to remain a perfect consistency as it hits the plate, and your guests enjoy this meal slowly.

To Poach an egg yolk.

Unlike poaching a whole egg, we do not need to create a funnel in our poaching liquid by whisking vigorously. Also, the addition to vinegar is not needed.

Your left over stock should be hot, but not simmering, not boiling. It should have this calm, steamy release.

Do you have an obnoxiously large spoon in your silverware drawer you never use? This would be the best time to bust it out.

Gently crack your cold egg (this will help keep your egg yolk in tact) over your hand. Let the egg whites gently release between your fingers. Please do this over a sink or bowl if you're saving your whites.

Carefully place your little golden wonder into the stock. Its ok. Drop him in. Just be gentle. Give him about 45 seconds/minute. Around that time frame. Kill the heat, and gently fish him out with your Previously useless spoon.

Carefully place your yolk onto your gorgeous, creamy risotto. If a little stock is on the spoon. Its ok. It will get absorbed.

Finish with fresh, minced parsley and aged smoked cheddar grated with your microplane (zester)

You're done!

Remember, cooking should be enjoyable. The energy you put into your food shows. If you're confident and take your time, you're food will reflect that. If you rush and are afraid, it will be a reflection of you in the kitchen.

Don't short cut it. Cooking isn't about making delicious food in a hurry and reap all of the credit for. Good food takes time, takes patience and a little understanding. Relax. I'm not here to give you an easy quick fix to a dish that needs attention. You're either willing to put in the effort, or not.



PS I only garnish with parsley if parsley is in the dish. Garnishing with parsley when there is no parsley in your dish is tacky. Just my opinion based on common sense. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Coffee Scrub for Cellulite, Skin Tone & Sun Damage

I have been using DIY coffee scrubs for YEARS, and it is a huge part of my skin regimen. It is safe for every day use for your body, and 2x a week for your face, which is recommended for exfoliation. My skin always feels amazing, and it gives my body a little wake up feeling.

Coffee has amazing anti oxidant benefits for your skin. It is a quick, temporary (10-12 hour) fix for cellulite, since it contracts fat cells. It reverses sun damage, evens skin tone, by contracting blood vessels in the face, which causes redness. Many eye creams contain caffeine for these reasons. It also firms skin, without drying it out. Natural oils found in light roasted coffee soften the skin, and doesn't clog pores. It actually reduces blackheads. 

No, you will not have the jitters, or get a caffeine overload! I add a touch of honey to the scrub, for its antibacterial properties, which cleans the pores and helps renew cell structure after scrubbing off the dead stuff. (ew right?)

If you do not have light roast coffee grounds, feel free to use what you have. I don't recommend instant coffee, since it dissolves too quickly. As a body scrub in the shower, it is little messy. If you have a detachable shower head, it's quick clean up. Otherwise, stay close to the faucet, or use it on your face over the sink.

I have never had stains occur from using a coffee scrub. I don't recommend not cleaning up the coffee grounds that wash off in the shower though a week later. (Hey, some people aren't as tidy as I am, but who am I to judge?) As I said, I have never had a problem with staining, but thought I would clarify, since most of us have experienced coffee stains in our cups (baking soda paste will take that out btw)

About 1/4 -1/2 cup coffee ground for entire body.
1 TBS Honey. I use organic, raw honey.
Enough water to make a paste.

Exfoliate for a couple of minutes. Your skin will instantly look so much better and brighter. I know there are times we look in the mirror and think, "eh, I'm having a really bad skin day. My skin looks flushed, and uneven. I've been working hard all week and wish I can bring some life to my face."

This will do that! Using coffee on my skin is my top 3 DIY food related beauty treatments. I have shared this with my friends when we have sleep overs at my place, and even my hubby.

I have used recipes that call for olive oil as well. My skin does feel amazing, but I will warn you it makes your tub a bit slippery. I save the skin healthy oils for my skin right before bedtime, or for just face scrubs that I can rinse off in the sink.



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Black Bean Sopes w. Avocado Mousse, & Petite Tomato Salad


Petite tomato salad tossed in cilantro oil, avocado & lime mousse, crema, queso añejo, Napa cabbage & black beans.
If you aren't of Mexican decent, or not familiar with Latin American food, sopes are fried chewy corn cakes filled with basic ingredients. In my home, we used potatoes, beans, crema, cabbage and salsa. You can add whatever you'd like to them. I refined the ingredients a bit, for the sake of creativity.  They're really fun to make with the family on a cozy Sunday. 

3 Cups Masa de Maiz (corn flour) You can find this in the ethnic food section of your grocer. 
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
1/4 TSP Baking Powder
1 TBS Kosher Salt
2 Cups Warm Water (using warm water helps keep the sopes chewy and yummy after they've been fried.)

Combine ingredients. You may need to add a little more warm water since corn flour tends to absorb it quickly. What I do is I add it to my hands and work it into the dough gently. 
Let dough rest for about 10 minutes under a damp cloth
If you want your sopes to be uniform in size, I suggest weighing your masa (dough) and  dividing it by the amount of sopes you'd like. You don't have to do this though if you don't have a gram scale. Rustic food is great anyhow ;) 
Gently form a little cup. You can make a square one or the traditional circle ones. If you need more water, wet your hands.
Do not be intimidated. Connect with your food. 
Let sopes set in the fridge for at least an hour before frying. This way they won't break apart and will be sturdier to handle. 

I use canola oil for frying these.  Remember to always fry in a large pot to avoid over spilling and only fill large pot half way with oil. Oil should be around 375. 
Fry sopes for about a minute. They will turn a golden blonde and float. Drain excess fat on a paper towel covered plate. 

Petite Tomato Salad
Making a petite salad, and concentrating the flavors will make for an amazing product. This is the perfect time of year to work with tomatoes. I took a few tips from The French Laundry to make this simple salad to a memorable level. 

To thinly slice your pearl onions and peppers, use the first 1/3 of your favorite kitchen knife. This portion of your knife is used for precision. Remember to take your time. Always start out slowly. There is no need to slice and dice with so much flash like you see on tv. 

This is my take on pico de gallo. 

Variety pack of petite tomatoes
2-3 Red Pearl Onions
1/2 -1 Serrano Pepper
1/2 English Cucumber
Kosher Salt To Taste
Black Cracked Pepper To Taste
1/2 TSP Red Wine Vinegar
1 TBS Cilantro Oil (recipe below)

To skin the tomatoes, score an X on the bottom of each tomato. Drop into oiling water for no longer than 5 seconds. Immediately drop tomatoes into an ice bath Once cooled, carefully peel the skins of. The X makes peeling much easier.

Set tomatoes in a strainer (chinois) shin•wah over a bowl, and add salt. Let the excess liquid slowly drain out. This will take about an hour.

While that is working, seed and small dice half an English cucumber.

Thinly slice your red pearl onions. An easy way to get the husk off is to quickly blanch them, like we did with the tomatoes. Exact method. The husk will pop off easily when you slightly pinch the little onion.

Thinly slice your serrano pepper. The slices should be paper thin. Texture is key. 

Cilantro Oil:

Blanch cilantro in boiling water for 10 seconds. Transfer to ice bath to shock. Remove from ice bath onto a paper towel. 

Removing most of the water, add cilantro to a neutral oil such as canola. Blend together at low speed. 

When you're ready to use it, drain out the cilantro. You will be left with a vibrant, fresh green oil. 

Always use infused oils within 48 hours. Do not store for months in a container in your dry storage. 

When tomatoes are ready, combine ingredients and add salt and pepper to your liking. Add 1TBS red wine vinegar. Finish with some of the oil we made.

Set in the fridge for at least two hours before serving. This will give the salad time to marinade.

Avocado Lime Mousse
If you are uncomfortable with using raw eggs in your cooking, you can skip the egg whites. Mousse is traditionally made with stiffened egg whites. It makes for a luxurious product, but it's quite uncommon for home cooks to use raw eggs. Skip this step if you are uncomfortable. Your mousse will still be super velvety. 

2 Hass Avocados
1/2 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
2 Egg Whites
1/8 TSP Cream of Tarter
Kosher Salt to taste
1/2 TBS lime zest
1/2 Lime Juice

In a mixing bowl, whisk heavy whipping cream until whipped cream consistency. Set aside in the fridge. 
In separate mixing bowl, whisk egg whites until peaks form. Add Cream of Tarter to stabilize egg whites. 
In another separate bowl, smash Hass avocados and lime juice. The lime juice will prevent the avocados from turning brown, and help soften them up. Use a sifter or siv and rubber spatula to smooth the avocado mixture. You should be left with almost a puree of avocado and lime. You can use a food processor as well for this. I suggest straining even if you use a food processor. 
Add Salt. 
Fold gently, the whipped cream and avocado mixture, adding a little whipped cream to the avocado at a time. After completely combined, gently fold in egg whites. Adjust seasoning and zest lime over mousse right before serving. 

You can use these recipes for other dishes as well.  

Get creative! 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Fight Anxiety, Win Fulfillment

As I am currently preparing myself to start staging again by studying, practicing, working out and tending to this blog, I'm finding myself in the midst of a lot of great opportunities I am excited about. However, I'm always nervous.

I look back, and remember I had the same feeling my first day at culinary school, the first time I volunteered to assist teaching the public how to cook, or preparing for my first competition. My first Friday night after pulling a full day shift. I remember my first day at my externship. I was so nervous every time. Then, once I was in my zone, I was fine.

Before cooking, I used to bypass opportunities out of fear and anxiety. I've always been the type of person to psychoanalyze myself, which turns into psyching myself out. I've realized how grateful I am having down time at the moment. I was so pissed off and frustrated before physical therapy. I wanted to work. I didn't want to be home.

So I made a job out of it. I started to work out consistently, ensuring I do not lose my kitchen endurance. I started studying. I read, and learn a new tidbit of information every single day. I become fascinated with an ingredient, and learn as much as possible about it. not just how to utilize it. I practice. up until recently, I had a very limited time to practice. I cooked daily, but I'm talking about those long nights in the kitchen, and going all Thomas Keller on someone's ass.

When I started this blog, I started meeting new people, and networking with other people. I have learned how to communicate with people honestly. On rare occasion, when I took a lunch break and had to exit through the restaurant, it is most likely you will be stopped by a customer. "Chef, excuse me! I haven't been seated! Chef, I was happy/unhappy with what I ate. I'm assuming YOU MADE IT" I always feel so anxious when dealing with customers. I'm not a chef yet. I'm a line cook. I'm off the clock, so go piss off... is what I wanted to say.

I'd direct them to the appropriate person to speak with regarding their concerns or praises. I'd struggle. I did my externship at a restaurant owned by a famous personality. I was a little embarrassed about externing there, only because I roll my eyes at this person, but they were willing to work around my tight schedule instead of wanting me to be there on their terms. So I was grateful. However, you'd be surprised at how many people asked me where this famous person was daily.

I felt like saying "Fuck if I know ya drunk crone!" but of course, I tried gracefully to tell them I hadn't met the jer... person.

At this same restaurant, I externed as a prep cook. I remember pulling a 15 hour shift on a Saturday, so I could gain my hours needed. Dragging my feet to my car, a man approaches me and says "HEY CHEF! YOUR FOOD SUCKS" I looked at him and said, sorry sir, I'm an intern here (the word extern confuses people). He said YEA RIGHT YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WITH A WHITE COAT HERE, CHEF!

"Sir, I'm a student, and I have to wear my school uniform. I'm asking you to back off. I feel really uncomfortable" (shady side of town, late at night, not a well lit parking lot in the back alley).

I worked at a bed and breakfast on the weekend mornings as a part time, second job. The "chef" at this place was utterly retarded when it came to cooking. I had to serve our guests who dined in the dining room too. I was the one required to dress in my kitchen uniform, while this person didn't. The food that I DID NOT MAKE was embarrassing. I soon quit that job, since it wasn't full filling at all. It was a joke. Here you go sir, here is your baked grapefruit with a big star anise sticking out of it. En fucking JOY! I'd take my chef whites off after my shift, just so people didn't think I made that bullshit. I finally grew a pair, spoke my mind, and quit. Gorgeous place that I was excited to work at, until I started working there.

When I first started high volume cooking on the line, I was nervous. I hate being the new kid. The FNG, as sir Bourdain says. I shut down a few times when I was in the weeds, and it didn't help when I had an overly asshole, lazy as fuck boss whispering in my ear how much of an idiot I was. I overcame all of that, and can now work harmoniously on a Saturday night with hundreds of covers, not enough plates, and the pizza cook burning the shit out of everything. Taking it upon myself to direct HIS timing and letting him know I'm ready to fire and need the ok from him.  I'm now focused and energetic when on the line. In my environment, in my space. I own it. I see it more than I see my own family. I look back, and realized, I progressed.

So, the point to my story is, me being at home, and utilizing my time appropriately, has given me a new sense of confidence when speaking with other people. I feel like this time around, when a customer, drunk, happy, miserable, etc, approaches me, I'll be able to address the situation with full confidence, and not poker face it.

You have to get out of your own way. Every time you overcome a difficult task, you've just progressed. One day, when I am Chef de Cuisine or Executive Chef, etc, I'll have no problem speaking with guests. People forget being eloquently spoken and having a healthy confidence about yourself is so important when you're a chef.

I only know this because I observe everyone I'm in contact with. There has to be a balance. You have to be somewhat humble, but not too humble. Somewhat cocky, but not a jackass. You have to create beautiful food, and it has to be a reflection of who you are. It will be whether you like it or not. If your food is bad quality, or ugly, it reflects on how much you care. If it is totally off base with a specific region and considered traditional, it shows your ignorance. If you take the time, focus on what type of basil you'd like to compliment this dish, whether the dish is difficult to prepare or simple, you will shine through.  I know I have a long way to go, and I'm not in a hurry. As long as I progress every day, in some way or another, I know I'm on the right path.

Sometimes I forget how hard it was. It's only getting harder, and I'm prepared the best way I can be with the tools I do have, and make the best of it. To put it this way, I may not have a vegetable peeler on hand, but I have my chef's knife. So the job will get done, and it will get done right!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Acne Treatment - Vitamins for Skin Acne

Vitamins for Skin Acne

Acne is a very common skin condition found in public of all ages. Usually occurring on the visage, chest, and back, acne is often era very visible and can cause persons distress from it to experience embarrassment, depression, and low self-esteem as they search pro effectual acne remedies.

Caused by sebaceous glands in the dermis with the intention of start working overtime due to hormonal changes, acne is the upshot of skin pores with the intention of make blocked with surplus skin cells and sebum smear with oil.

Many could swear by the detail with the intention of regular facial refining and a skilled diet is all with the intention of is looked-for to keep it in check, but pro approximately, such regimes simply sort out not bring about. So could you repeat that?

Sort out you sort out? Well if you don't aspire to take medically prescribed formulae, here are two other options to explore. One is by using readily unfilled vitamin prepared skin creams and the other is to try made known lone of the many family remedies with the intention of be inflicted with stood the test of calculate.

Acne TreatmentFor model, vitamin C, which oranges are particularly rich in, the stage quite a crucial role in skin care. It is vital pro the formation of collagen, lone of the major components with the intention of makes up the skin and methodical studies be inflicted with publicized with the intention of the anti-oxidant properties of topical vitamin C creams can help reduce irritation and flush associated with acne scars, as well as rebuild collagen with the intention of has been destroyed.

Toothpaste is a tried and tested family remedy with the intention of is splendid pro isolated stain behavior as different to treating a better area of cystic acne. Just apply a small amount to the offending spot and it must assist greatly in the drying made known process. Use standard toothpaste and not approximately funky 'whitening' or 'tartar control' brand.

It might not sound mouth-watering but ingesting garlic has a skilled reputation pro fighting of unsightly acne. If you can stomach it, intake a hardly any cloves of skinned garlic a time can trade show clear things surrounded by a topic of days. If you rather, you can make garlic supplement pills from a pile but genuinely they will take a longer calculate to trade show results. Since this is an inside-out deal with, acne all ended your body will benefit very than solely persons areas everywhere you apply a topical remedy.

Acne can be a incapacitating skin condition, but it is not untreatable. There are many acne remedies unfilled to not single heal your current acne, but to prevent it from always appearance back. Hopefully approximately of the ideas articulated in this article will help you on your way to combatting it more effectively, feeling in no doubt and taking control of your life.

Get rid of acne - How to remove acne in hair ?

How to remove acne in hair ?

Acne doesn't only plague the visage and the body. It can furthermore occur in the mane and although it's not as awkward to have acne on hair, it can make in the way of being fully in no doubt. The mane is the head's greatest glory so it's single valuable to keep with the intention of shining glory shiny, clean and acne-free. Acne in mane does not factually mean mane strands having spots but it's the scalp with the intention of has spots.

Most public don't notice they be inflicted with scalp acne until they feel a bump as coiffure their mane or sad their head. Compared to visage and body acne, scalp acne is harder to remove since mane gets in the way. Some are tempted to pop it like one regular zit which is bad. If not treated by the book, it can principal to worse breakouts. Before knowing the behavior, lone must know the causes of spots in mane.

There are many causes to scalp acne but lone major cause is hormone fluctuations which can principal to overproduction of smear with oil in mane. The oilier the skin, the more prone it is to all types of acne. Hair trouble products used pro washing and styling furthermore say to scalp acne since they clog pores in the scalp. Other doable causes of scalp acne are poor hygiene conditions, distinguished stress levels, imperfect diet, and seasonal changes. All these say to greasy scalp which is a breeding ground pro scalp acne.

Benzoyl blanch which is renowned to effectively treat face acne can be used pro scalp acne. It must be used in moderation since it can upshot in mane bleaching. It is effectual in removing spots in mane if useful by the book. Hair trouble products with the intention of contain salicylic acid furthermore help. A mild shampoo with the intention of has salicylic acid is a splendid skin exfoliator which helps remove exhausted skin cells and unclog pores.

Get rid of acneFacial products with the intention of contain salicylic acid such as creams, toners and cleansers can be used with a cotton globe by applying it on the infected area. Zinc and ketoconazole or ciclopirox found in generally dandruff shampoos are furthermore renowned to benefit spots prone skin. It balances the production of scalp smear with oil which prevents acne breakout. If the treatments higher than don't bring about, try medications specialized in removing scalp acne. These medications contain antibiotics with the intention of combat bacteria causing scalp acne. Before taking one medication, get on to guaranteed to consult with a doctor or doctor.

Although here are many effectual ways to removing acne in hair, prevention is still better than heal. Use mild shampoo and dodge excessive mane products with the intention of contain too much smear with oil or cologne as too much of it can clog pores and exasperate skin which can principal to acne. Maintaining skilled hygiene by washing mane evenly furthermore helps. People with greasy and soil mane are more likely to make scalp spots than persons who be inflicted with clean mane. Having acne in hair can be very messy and irritating but something as unadorned as maintaining clean and healthy mane is lone answer to avoiding acne in hair.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Almond & Mascarpone Mousse

Hey everyone! Mousse is something so important for cooks & savory chefs to know, because it is simple to prepare, and extremely diverse. It can range from savory to sweet. Most often considered a dessert when it comes to mind.

I had a few random ingredients in the fridge, and thought this would be a practical dessert that anyone could accomplish and prepare. Mousse is sophisticated, yet comforting and approachable.

I hope you enjoy this decadent recipe. Feel free to ignore the egg whites, since it seems to be quite intimidating to most people to eat raw egg. Traditionally mousse does consist of whipped egg whites and heavy whipping cream, but many modernized recipes leave egg whites out.

Ingredients: Yields 4 Servings

1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/2 Cup Fresh Almond Milk + 2 tsp cocoa/chocolate almond milk
2 Egg Whites
1/2 Cup Mascarpone Cheese
1/4 Cup Confectioners or Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Almond extract
White Chocolate & Pink Himalayan Salt to garnish

Place mascarpone cheese out at room temperature. Set this aside in a separate bowl

In another bowl, combine by whisking cold, heavy whipping cream, sifted confectioners sugar (to take out lumps), and almond extract.

Once you have the consistency of whipped cream, stop whisking. If you continue whisking, thing will cause separation. If this does happen, add more heaving whipping cream and whisk momentarily. It should save it. If not, you're way past the point of saving. Simple recipe or not, I've seen it happen. I've had my fair share of making whipping cream at work, and forgot the mixer was on. I got into trouble for that too! OOPS!

In a separate bowl, combine softened mascarpone cream cheese, and your fresh almond milk with a hint of cocoa powder or chocolate almond milk. Whisk lightly. All ingredients should combine gracefully.

If you are the one of many impatient or hungry cooks, and decide to outsmart my advice by using mascarpone cheese while it's still chilled, your mixture will separate. You're going to momentarily freak out in frustration and embarrassment, but no worries. It can be fixed. It's just going to take two extra steps...

Bust out blender. Add broken mess into blender. BLEND LOW SPEED FOR 30 SECONDS. Any more, you're finished! You can't save it.

Oh... you mean its still slightly separated?? I KNOW! CALM DOWN!

Get your sive/strainer. Strain mixture into whipped cream and fold. SAVED! Just avoid this please by keeping cheese out until it's at room temp. About 30 minutes

So if you were patient and waited, your creamy mixture can now be folded delicately into your whipped cream. Fold, lightly, gently. We want to maintain the light consistency. If you're too heavy handed, it will collapse. NO WORRIES THOUGH! Seriously, it isn't as bad as it sounds.

Cover and place your whipped cream into the fridge.

 Next we will whip our egg whites. I suggest using a hand mixer for this, but it is very much doable with a manual whisk. Just a bit more time consuming than whipped cream. So do not expect it to come together as quickly. Once you have soft peaks (lift whisk, peak should fall gracefully like the tip of soft serve ice cream)

Now fold that a little at a time with a rubber spatula into your yummy whipped cream cheese almondy chocolate mixture. Gently as before!

Now take your favorite serving dishes, or keep it family style, and have fun. If you want to use a piping bag and make a pretty presentation, add mousse into piping bag and let it set about 10 minutes before going to town. This will help maintain the airy texture and body of the mousse.

You're plated! You can enjoy now, but I suggest waiting half an hour. Garnish as desired. I used grated white chocolate and pink salt. A tiny bit. You don't have to garnish either, of course.

Even simple recipes aren't error proof. I hope you see my improvised advice as a second chance, and not as an indication of this recipe being super hard. I promise it isn't.

I hope you enjoy! Get creative, and feel free to leave your photos of your gorgeous or favorite mousse recipes or combinations on our Facebook page!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Roasted Tea Ramen

Food is amazing when you give it a little time and have patience. Ramen broth, traditionally made with rendering pork and marrow, is complex. You want to smell certain aromatic notes, taste spices, taste a little sweetness, and discover new flavors within the broth. Here is my second take on ramen broth. You can use this broth for any type of noodles, rice, etc. I used ramen egg noodles. Fresh is best. Use what you have, and most importantly, what you love the most.

Ingredients for broth:

1 gallon vegetable stock (not broth)
Kombu seaweed
1/2 Cup Roasted Green Tea  (you can buy these in ready to use baggies)
1/2 Bulb Garlic
Star Anise
Coriander Seeds
Cinnamon Stick
1 Serrano Chile (add more if you like it spicy)
1/4 Cup Fresh Ginger

Bring your stock to a boil, and lower it down to a simmer. Simmer for 3 hours.

Strain ingredients out. Strain again. You want your stock to be nice and gem like.

Add back into cleaned out stock pot, and simmer, and now season with sea salt. Season to personal preference.

Broth should remind you of the earth and the sea. It should be aromatic with bright coriander, and a little deep with star anise and cinnamon. It should be rounded out and lightened thanks to the garlic and ginger.

In a separate pot, bring water seasoned with salt to a boil. Remember, when boiling noodles or pasta, your water should be salty like the sea. This is going to bring out the flavors of your pasta, which will round out your entire dish.

Cook them until they're a little under cooked. Add them to your bowl, and ladle in hot broth. Top with anything you prefer. I kept it simple with a fried chicken egg, scallions and pickled radish. A fried egg of duck, chicken, or quail is fun, and popping the yolk will give you a nice, rich broth.

Pickled Radish:
1/2 Cup Rice Wine Vinegar
1/4 Cup Water
2 TBS Sugar
1 tsp Salt

Bring pickling liquid to a boil. Please make sure your kitchen is well ventilated, and windows are open. Pickling can be overwhelming, and can choke you out! lol

Thinly slice raw radishes. Carefully use a mandolin, or the first 1/3 portion of your chef's knife. Be careful when making thin slices, and always take your time. If you aren't a professional cook, please do not get over enthusiastic about speed. Focus on precision. Always take your time, and remember to tuck in your guiding hand (hand you aren't cutting with) into the form of a claw to protect your fingers!!

When pickling liquid is cooled down to room temperature, add in your radishes. Do not add in hot liquid. This will only cook your radishes, and closing a container with hot food is not safe or recommended. Always let food cool down before placing a lid over it.

Refrigerate over night. They will be sharp, sweet, tangy and earthy.

What are your favorite ingredients when topping off ramen?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blood Orange & Coconut Mojito

I know I don't have the best picture of this drink, but there's nothing with an "action" picture, right?
 A common misconception is people thinking in order to make a drink, you simply pour, stir, and drink. I never try to complicate things. I'm just trying to do things correctly. That way, you get the full experience. The aromatics, the balance of flavors, and all of the other unnecessary ways to articulate enjoying a drink. Moving along... here is what I do when making a good mojito:


Fresh Mint
2 T Fresh Lime Juice
2 oz Coconut Rum
6 oz Blood Orange Soda

In a bottom of your glass, add your mint. A couple of leaves are fine. Use the handle of a wooden or plastic spoon, and muddle the herb gently at the bottom of your glass. Add your lime juice.

Hopefully you have a cocktail shaker of some sort. Add your ice, rum, and blood orange soda. Shake vigorously for about 20 seconds. Add everything into your glass.

Have you ever gone to a bar or restaurant, and noticed a bunch of shredded mint floating around your glass? That means the bartender added mint to the cocktail shaker, and didn't know wtf he/she was doing. Don't add mint to your cocktail shaker. We want the cocktail to have some dignity.

Finally, everything is added. The colors are sort of blending together. The mint is floating, but under the ice. Take a mint leaf, twist it a bit, and give it a cruse around the rim of your glass. This will add an aromatic to your cocktail, so you get the full experience of mint. When garnishing with mint, take a few of the prettiest mint leaves you can find, and with your thumb nail, which I know is extremely clean, clip the mint leaf as close to the stem as possible. This will prevent it from oxidizing, and maintaining it's elegance. Ok, mint isn't THAT special, but serving a beautiful drink that tastes just as good, is important.

What are some of your favorite cocktails to make? Be sure to share some pictures of them on Facebook!

